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The long awaited chapter 21. Enjoy!


Olivia smiles behind her phone as she records Aurora jumping happily on the trampoline in front of her. On her face was a wide, almost contagious smile, one Olivia couldn't help but mimic as she watches the girls blonde braids fly through the air.

It was day two of Scarlett's business trip, and things were admittedly going pretty well. Aurora had been big since her mama had left, making it easier for Olivia to find them things that were age appropriate enough to do. Yesterday they'd had a girls day at the mall, shopping and getting their nails done before chilling at the pool.

Bedtime had been a bit challenging due to the fact Aurora had yet to spend a night with them whilst big. She was used to nursing to sleep, squished between her two favourite people in the world. It was a big adjustment to fall asleep without both her milk and mama, but Olivia had thankfully managed to settle her down with cuddles and back scratches instead which had made things a little easier.

Today, Olivia had decided it would be wise to once again get them both out of the house. The chances of Aurora slipping were way less without her toys and pacifiers within her line of sight.

"Mommy, come on!" Aurora calls with a laugh as she spins in a circle and sees the woman still recording her, prompting the woman to roll her eyes fondly before pocketing her phone and joining her. Her hands were taken, and she couldn't help but let out a small squeal as when the momentum of Olivia's weight causes her to fly twice as high as before.

Her cheeks were flush red, and Olivia couldn't help but hoist her up into her arms and press a resounding kiss to the still soft skin. Aurora, despite being big, melts into the affection, her legs tight around her mommy's waist, and Olivia gives her one last squeeze before adjusting her so she was cradled and dropping her onto her back.

Aurora laughs loudly at the action, and she wasn't surprised to see the woman once again recording her. Knowing it was for her mama, she waves and blows a kiss before scrambling back to her feet and beginning to once again bounce.

She understood that mommy didn't want mama to miss out completely on their activity today, but it was getting a little repetitive constantly having a phone shoved in her face. Seemingly able to sense this with whatever magical powers she seemed to posses, Olivia pockets her phone for the final time, steps over to the free trampoline next to her little one and begins to bounce as high as she possibly could.

Aurora grins as she copies her.



"Rory? We're home baby." Olivia calls as she unbuckles Aurora's seatbelt, reaching up and brushing away the few strands of hair that had fallen out the girls braids and tucking them behind her ear. It was nearing seven in the evening now, just enough time left in the day for a quick dinner before bed. Though the bed part didn't seem too promising considering the impromptu nap Aurora had decided to take on their journey home.

Still. She was hopeful. She could do with a glass of wine or two.

Aurora let's out a heavy sigh as her blue eyes flicker open. She looks around blearily, lids heavy and cheeks flushed. Her eyes light up when she catches sight of her mommy stood next to her, and she holds out her arms in a quiet plea to be carried. A quiet whine escapes her lips when she wasn't immediately lifted, and Olivia bites her bottom lip nervously as she gently lifts the little one up into her arms and situates her on her hip.

Aurora's head settles contently against her shoulder, the distinct sound of her suckling on her fingers filling the woman's ears as she locks the car and begins heading towards the house.

Aurora had slipped. This was not how things were supposed to go. The evening ahead seemed way more intimidating now.

Knowing she had no other options other than to take this in her stride, she keeps up a cheerful attitude as she steps into the house and sets down their bags, heading through to the kitchen with the intention of making them both something to eat. It had been a few hours since they'd last eaten.

"Alright, I think it's time for dinner now. Do you want some nuggets?" She suggests as she grabs the bag from the freezer and gives Aurora a soft bounce. The little one lifts her head from her shoulder and wriggle's excitedly at the sight of her favourite food.

"Mmmh m'mmy." She pleads, "mhh."

Olivia smiles, "I know, they're your favourites aren't they?" She coos, leaning over slightly to preheat the oven before grabbing a clean baking tray from the cabinet. "How many do you want my love?" She wonders, managing to single-handedly open up the sealed packet before offering it out to Aurora.

The little one reaches into the bag and grabs as any nuggets as she could with just one hand. She drops them onto the tray and repeats the action three more times before she was satisfied. There was way too many nuggets on the tray for Aurora to eat by herself in Olivia's opinion, but there was no way she was going to tell the little one that. Tonight she was tending to the girls every whim and want no matter how outrages the request may be, because the last thing she wanted was for her to get upset and ask for her mama when mama wasn't here.

"Are you going to eat all of these?" She asks as she puts the tray of nuggets into the oven, bouncing Aurora up on her hip slightly before heading over to the sink so they could wash their hands. Aurora was delighted by this and begins splashing happily as her mommy holds her from behind.

"M'mmy," she mumbles in response to the woman's question, and Olivia hums slightly as she lifts Aurora onto the counter by the sink before beginning to wash her own hands.

"You're gonna share with mommy?" She rephrases, and Aurora's eyes light up in delight that her mumbles had been understood. Olivia smiles as she dries off her hands, stepping in between the little ones legs so she could dry her hands too.

Once done, she leans forward and presses a soft kiss to Aurora's cute button nose. "You're so sweet, sharing with mama. Good girl." She praises, and Aurora flushes red as she falls forward against the woman's chest and burrows her face into her neck. Her tiny hands cling to the woman's shirt, a quiet plead to stay close.

Olivia does indeed hold her close, rubbing a gentle hand up and down the little ones back. When said hand doesn't meet a padded behind as it usually does, she realises she'd forgotten to diaper the girl.

Thankful the little one hadn't had an accident that definitely would have caused quite the upset, Olivia scoops Aurora back up onto her hip. "Let's get you diapered my sweet girl, then we'll eat our nuggets and maybe have some ice cream for dessert. Does that sound good?" She muses, earning herself a happy wriggle and nod.

"Good girl."


If you wanna see the next chapter, be sure to get this to 100 votes! (Hopefully it won't take months this time I apologise🥴)

I'd love to hear your thoughts!!

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