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A Scarlett/Rory chapter today. Next chapter will be Olivia and Rory doing some much needed bonding.

Sorry it's been nearly a week.


Scarlett hums quietly beneath her breath as she finishes preparing a breakfast with a content Aurora perched quietly on her hip. She'd made yogurt with fruit and bagels with cream cheese. It wasn't anything fancy or extravagant as she was sure Olivia would have made them, but it did look very yummy if she does say so herself.

"Are you hungry?" She asks as she picks up one of the plates and carries it over to the dining table, returning to the kitchen counter for the other before sitting herself down with the little one on her lap.

Aurora looks up at her for a second before nodding her head, the tips of her fingers hanging from her mouth. There was a line of drool dripping down her chin, and Scarlett fondly uses the pad of her thumb to wipe it away before offering out a cut up piece of bagel. Aurora's eyes light up as she shoves the whole morsel in her mouth, chewing happily as she kicks her legs.

Scarlett couldn't help but laugh softly as she follows that mouthful with some yogurt, scooping the small amount that slips from the corners of the little ones lips with the spoon before it could fall and stain her clothes.

Aurora had been little since she'd woken up this morning, ranging somewhere between the ages of about eighteen months to around two. She'd allowed Olivia to change her diaper without much of a fuss and hadn't let go of her pacifier until it had come time to eat. Cuddles were a must as well, and she had refused to be set down even once.

That wasn't even mentioning her tearful goodbye to Olivia. It had taken Scarlett nearly ten minutes to convince the little one to let her go; that Olivia really would be back the second her shift at the hospital had ended, but even then Aurora had been reluctant.

It had taken a bribe of all things. A trip to the park this afternoon along with ice cream.

Scarlett was quickly brought out of her thoughts by something wet against her lips, and she instinctively finds herself recoiling. Looking down, she see's that Aurora was offering her a piece of strawberry. With a small smile, she takes it, pressing an appreciative kiss to the little ones cheek.

"Thank you baby." She murmurs, and Aurora grins bashfully as she messily shoves another piece of bagel into her mouth. Breakfast continues in a more or less comfortable silence with only soft praises and gentle encouragement to be heard, and soon enough, both were dressed and ready to head out of the door.

They were heading to target to pick up some much needed groceries, neither woman realising just how low they were running until it had come to dinner last night. After making sure the little one was buckled into her car seat, Scarlett starts the care and makes careful work of pulling out of their driveway.

Neither had much to say on the journey there, but the silence between them was comfortable. The only sounds to be heard were the suckles of Aurora's pacifier along with the radio, and just as the third song finishes playing, Scarlett finds herself pulling into targets parking lot. With a soft sigh, she stops the engine and un buckles her seatbelt before turning to face a content Aurora.

"Ready to head in my love?" She questions with a smile, and Aurora smiles shyly behind her pacifier as she nods her head. After reaching over to give her cheek a tender touch, Scarlett climbs out of the car and rounds it to the back. She pulls open the door and easily unbuckles the little one, placing a hand beneath her armpits and lifting her up onto her hip.

"In?" Aurora murmurs behind her pacifier as she points to the building, and Scarlett chuckles softly as she places a few soft pats to the little ones padded behind.

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