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"Mommy, grrrr." Aurora points at the lion enclosure from her place sat on Scarlett's hip, her free hand clinging to the back of the woman's shirt. It was about mid day now, and they'd been at the zoo for about three hours. They'd seen all sorts of animals; from penguins, to monkeys and giraffes.

The sun was shining, and it was overall a nice day but both women knew the little one was starting to get tired. It was past both her lunch and nap time so the plan was to make one more stop at the elephant enclosure before heading home.

Aurora had given up with walking just two hours in, alternating from Scarletts hip to Olivia's. Both knew it may be wise to invest in a stroller for their next outing. Despite Aurora being tiny, she still got pretty heavy after a while.

Olivia smiles as she reaches up to brush a sweaty strand of hair out of Aurora's face, "Such a smart girl." She praises, and the little one grins as she happily kicks her legs and rests her head on her mama's shoulder.

Scarlett smiles softly as she gives her behind a soothing pat, turning to face her wife who was already looking at them with a tender smile on her face. She couldn't help but return it before voicing her current thought process.

"I was going to suggest one more animal, but I am so ready to head home." She shifts in place slightly as she feels her feet beginning to throb.

Olivia nods in agreement, "Sounds like a plan, baby. Maybe we could grab some lunch on the way home?" She places her hand in the small of Scarletts back before beginning to lead her over to the zoos exit.

"Only if it's Taco Bell." Scarlett grins as she cups the back of Aurora's head to keep it steady whilst they walk, and whilst Olivia rolls her eyes fondly, she does nod her head.

She supposes tacos weren't so bad.

After a few silent minutes they make it to the car, and after Olivia had unlocked it, Scarlett pulls open the back door and attempts to place Aurora into her car seat. Much to her dismay, the little one does not allow this to happen. She lets out a quiet cry and tightens her legs around the woman's waist.

With a small wince, Scarlett attempts to pry her off and manages successfully after only a few attempts.

"Come on baby. We're heading home now. You're okay." She soothes as she coaxes little arms into their straps, but Aurora doesn't seem to hear her. She strains against her confines and wails loudly, her face turning a concerning shade of red as she tries and fails to get to her mama.

With a tired sigh, Scarlett looks over to her wife who was sat in the drivers seat, looking back at them with a frown of concern.

"I'm just going to get in the back with her," she calls over the loud cries as she finally manages to get Aurora buckled in -much to the angry baby's dismay- climbing into the free spot in the middle and reaching for her own seatbelt.

Olivia simply nods and waits for her wife to give her the go ahead before starting the car. She checks her mirrors twice before reversing out of her space, manoeuvring the crowded parking lot with surprising ease. As her wife gets them out of here, Scarlett focuses on trying to sooth their rather upset baby.

"Aurora," Scarlett coos lightly in a futile effort at getting the little one's attention as she reaches up to wipe off wet cheeks.

Aurora was now sobbing heavily, legs kicking and arms flailing as her cheeks become soaked with tears. Her chest was heaving as she tries with all her might to get out of the car seat. Scarlett knew she wasn't acting out. She was simply just too small to communicate whatever was going on in her little head.

"Calm down baby. Mama's here, and so is mommy. You're okay." Scarlett slips her hand beneath Aurora's shirt to rest against the bare skin of her chest. She hopes the sensation of skin against skin would help calm the upset girl down, but all it seems to do is escalate the situation further.

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