Chapter 27

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Note: Drake Siguard is my own character. Do not use.


Harry stared at the circular, soft, blue glow that sat in front of him, feeling a radiating power coming from it. He could feel himself be drawn in, could feel his magic rise up inside of him to reach out and connect with whatever it was. He cocked his head to the side in intrigued curiosity, almost hypnotized by the orb before him. He found himself watching in awe as his magic began to leave him without his guidance, forming a large, loose braid of colour drifting out and away from his chest. The four colours twisted together and floated across the distance between him and the orb where its own misty blue tendrils seemed to rising up to meet his magic.

He looked sharply to his right when another braid of magical wisps appeared and drifted towards the orb as well. This braid was silver and white, and it came up to his own, approaching the orb at the same time. Then, to his left, another braid, this one of gold strands with black spots, floated beside his. Together, all three braids reached for the glowing orb, its own threads waiting to be met.

He watched as all the magic got closer and closer. Before touching the orb, his braided magic connected with the others and he felt a rush of power and emotion. The strongest warmth he'd ever felt rushed through and around him as all three braids twisted together, colours mixing and sparkling. Happiness like he'd never felt before filled him and then the combined magic touched the glowing orb.

"A bond for the ages," a soft voice echoed around him. "Together, a light will be forged...a love found...a bond for the ages..."

And, despite everything still wrong, Harry knew what he was seeing and feeling.

What he could have and be with Snape and Malfoy, and the acceptance of the bond that had begun to develop between them.


The morning of Harry's first day of classes passed relatively quickly and without much incident, despite the lectures on OWLs and the droning of Professor Binns first thing in the morning on a Monday. Potions—double Potions, at that—had been a bit of a surprise with Snape arranging the Gryffindor-Slytherin class into pairs, pairs Harry realized were very deliberate. He had been paired with Malfoy and placed at the front left of the room. It didn't take long for Harry to realize that Snape had arranged the class in a way that would protect Malfoy from those Slytherins tasked with his death.

Now, Harry entered his brand new class somewhat apprehensively. The Ancient Runes classroom was filled with tapestries of classical images and odd symbols, miniature statues, and small stone blocks engraved with a variety of symbols. Intrigued, he sat at a desk near the back and was about to pull out one of the texts for the class when the door opened and he found Malfoy walking in. Their eyes met awkwardly and Malfoy shifted where he stood, obviously wondering where to sit.

"Hey, you still willing to help me catch up?" Harry asked, making a quick decision regarding the Slytherin.

Malfoy blinked. "Uh, yeah, if you want."

Harry nodded and gestured for the Slytherin to sit with him. Malfoy hesitated for a few seconds before slowly walking over and sitting down.

"What about Granger?" Malfoy said, pulling out his own books.

Harry shrugged. "She'll get over it. Besides, studying with her can be a nightmare."

"And you think I won't be?"

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