Chapter 24

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Draco closed his trunk, latching it, and sat on his perfectly made bed beside it. His hands hung between his knees, fingers twisting together as he gazed around the room. He'd spent all summer refusing to admit or acknowledge anything and he would continue to considering he had to let it all go. However, in that single moment, alone and to himself, he was willing to admit that some part of him had found something at Prince Manor; acceptance, safety, comfort, happiness, strength...dare he say it, maybe even home? He wasn't sure exactly, but he could admit to it in that second before he had to leave it behind forever.

"Mr. Malfoy."

He looked up at Snape in the doorway and he remembered the previous night. The man, while in his own agony, had taken the time to comfort him and Potter. He'd never realized before what he'd been missing from his parents, had never known more than the Malfoy way, but he'd seen it last night. In a professor that hated him, he'd found a comfort he should have gotten from his own mother and father, but never had. Such a feeling denied him for fifteen years, only to get it and have to lose it immediately.

Such cruel fate.

"It is time to go," Snape said.

"Yes, sir," he said and stood, smoothing down his smart trousers and tucked button-down shirt. He cast a quick Featherlight Charm on his trunk and carried it downstairs, following Snape. They walked into the study, joining Leif, Alexei, and a nervous-looking Potter. He met the Gryffindor's eyes and was sure he saw some other emotions, but, as they were moments from re-entering reality, he didn't want to identify them all. It seemed Potter thought the same as the Gryffindor broke their eye contact and looked down at his trunk in front of him.

"Harry, Draco," Alexei said and they both looked at the vampire. "We want you to try and be prepared. With your magic active and thriving, it is going to be difficult and overwhelming to be around so much other magic. Harry, you will struggle with the emotional side of your magic. You know what is happening at Hogwarts, the Ministry painting you as a liar and instituting an official as a professor to try and control you, Dumbledore, and the school. You must try to reign in your emotions or you will very easily lose control of your magic with so much other power around."

Potter's face tightened and Draco felt a touch of sympathy. They'd seen the Daily Prophet every morning with Snape reading it, and they had been able to track the Ministry's slander against Potter and Dumbledore. Both were being called mad liars as the Ministry denied Voldemort's return, and made ridiculous claims that they were working to overthrow Fudge and the Ministry. Hence, the instatement of Dolores Umbridge as the new Defense professor in an attempt to keep Hogwarts under control and stop Dumbledore from building his alleged army. He and Potter had already been warned against engaging with Umbridge. Potter would have to try not to retaliate against the 'liar' claims and Draco would have to look out for recruitment attempts.

It was going to be a rough year.

"Draco, you will struggle with being around hundreds of signatures," Leif said. "You will have to find a way to ground your magic. It is, unfortunately, something only you can figure out. Do your best not to connect with cores, but let yourself feel the magic. It may help with control."

Draco nodded, another thing to be nervous about added to his pile.

"We will see you soon, but be safe," Alexei said and, shocking Draco, hugged both Potter and him. Leif followed moments later. Too stunned by the embraces and his suddenly teary eyes, Draco didn't fully register all of what Alexei had said. He had no time to try either as Snape was finally herding them along.

"Mr. Potter, it is time to get you to Headquarters," Snape said, stepping over to the fireplace and looking at Potter expectantly.

"Right," Potter said. He grabbed his trunk and headed towards the fireplace. When he stopped in front of Draco with his hand out, Draco frowned at him in confusion. "Thanks for not being a Death Eater hell bent on my death."

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