Chapter 23

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Warning: Minor character death


After dinner that evening, Draco found himself back in the library and laid out on his back on the sofa by the fireplace. He stared up at the ceiling, frowning slightly as his thoughts bounced around. He wondered about Leif and Alexei. Leif had finally returned from the Ministry part way through dinner, pulling Alexei away immediately and sequestering them away in the downstairs study. Once dinner ended, Snape disappeared into the lab and Potter returned to his bedroom.

This was it. In a little over twelve hours, whatever that summer had been would be over. He, Potter, and Snape would go back to how they used to be, and Leif and Alexei would leave forever. He would never see Prince Manor again. The thought of all of it filled him with emotions he was sure he'd never felt before; he couldn't even really identify them. He didn't want to know. It would only make it harder to leave. He needed to be 'Malfoy' again and he should have gotten back to that version of himself long before now. He should have prepared for the return to reality, and his reality did not include anything from the last seven weeks.

Yet, he couldn't just leave. He couldn't just forget. So, he let his magic out one last time. His eyes drifted shut and his magic instantly began searching, but it wasn't out of control. It seemed completely happy to stay calm because, for once, it was allowed to do what it wanted.

There were remnants of all their magic all over the place and his magic twirled with every bit as it reached further away from the library. He directed it downstairs first to find Leif and Alexei. He hadn't interacted with their magic often as his was always distracted by Snape and Potter, but there were still incredible feelings connected to the two immortals. He wasn't so deep in the magic that he could see it, but he could feel it and knew immediately when he found Leif and Alexei. Both were familiar given they were the same magic he and Potter had, but they were more powerful and still felt different in ways. He almost felt rejuvenated whenever he connected with Leif, likely due to the shared magic type. He also felt what seemed to be a mix between what he felt with Snape's and Potter's magic: playfulness and protectiveness. It was the same with Alexei's magic. There was so much, dare he say, care and affection in both men's magic.

He smiled to himself as his magic tangled with theirs, feeling the way theirs twirled around and encompassed his. He would never say, but he was going to miss Leif and Alexei.

He gently pulled his magic away, feeling the reluctance in Leif's and Alexei's magic to let him go. It increased the little spot of painful pressure in his chest that he had been ignoring for days now.

He guided his magic back upstairs and to Potter, feeling the instant pulse in his magic when it found Potter's. He didn't need to see to know his silver-white threads were twirling, twisting, and dancing with Potter's multicoloured ones. There was such joy when their magic connected, it was nearly overwhelming, especially when the emotion didn't transfer to them and their actual interactions. There was something about their magic when it connected, the feeling of strength and protection and support. It was like their magic was meant to connect and work together. How unfortunate that he and Potter were definitely not meant to work together, given the polar opposition of their lives. While he doubted he would miss Potter, it would be odd not to have his magic around like this. He wasn't sure how to feel.

Once again, he tugged his magic away. If magic could pout, he would swear that's what Potter's magic was doing as it released his. The pressure in his chest got just a little larger.

Finally, he pushed his magic down to the lab, it jumping excitedly to meet with Snape's. The professor's magic was so different to the others', but he couldn't explain it. It was like a power being pulled in different directions, each hoping to win the fight. When he interacted, it was like the pulling stopped and all sides focused on him, filling him with the strangest feelings. His magic wrapped around Snape's, happily accepting the way Snape's seemed to try and hold it. Like with Potter's magic, it was overwhelming, but one of the best, unexplainable things he'd ever felt. If he was honest, he loathed to let it go, knowing, after this, he would never feel it again, whatever it was.

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