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1 week later...


Bey Pov

"Come on babies..." I said softly helping them get out the car. It's been exactly one week since Megan has been in a coma.

Her body was running completely off Xanax and her body just shut down. The image of her replays in my head constantly.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing in front of me. When the paramedics arrived she was just....gone. Her skin was flushed of it's beautiful brown color, her body wasn't functioning at all.

The doctors have explained to me it would be impossible for her to ever wake up and they're already giving me the option to pull the plug.

I'm not giving up on her though.

I would never.

I guided them inside of the hospital and since they already know who we are they automatically let us up. I even paid for her to have her own personal hospital suite and when I mean I paid for it I mean I started singing.

I had to do something to be able to provide for my children so I began creating music and one song turned into something I didn't think it would.

"Mommy are we going see mama?" Kali asked me. She's been recently starting to call me mommy and it brings the most joy to my heart that she feels comfortable calling me that.

"Yes baby we are" I said back. I looked over at Blue and she was just silent. I know this was taking a toll on her even though shes 8 I know this is hurting her and understands what's going on.

"Bluey...I promise she's gonna wake up. Her body just needs to heal ok?" I said trying to make her at least a little happier.

The elevator stopped and opened up to Megan's private room which had security all around it. As we walked towards the room I gave the guards a small smile when they opened the door for us.

I hated this.

We walked into the room and there sat her pale body. Her slow heartbeat sounded on the monitor and there were a bunch of cords on her body. Including the large tube going down her throat.

"Go say hi my loves and make sure you be gentle.." I said to them. They slowly walked to the bed while I stood behind. I like to let them have their moment before I do. I let them pick out a stuffed animal to lay in Megan's bed so Kali picked an elephant and Blue picked a Blue bear.

"Mama me miss you! When you wake up we pway barbies togeter!" Kali said excitedly. I don't think she really understood what was going on but her bright little soul is the cutest thing ever and she resembles Megan so much.

She placed her elephant right next to Megan, kissed her cheek and moved back letting Blue have her turn. Blue seemed nervous and scared this time which usually never happens. I walked up behind her and put my hand on her shoulder "It's ok baba you got it.." I said in a comforting manner.

"C-can I call her mama too?" Blue asked in a small voice. I smiled and put my hands on the side of her face making her look up at me "Of course you can baba you say whatever feels right." I said in a soft tone. God knows how long has been wanting to say that.

I let go of her and she approached the bed putting her bear right next to Kali's. "I really miss you mama...I finished watching My Hero Acadamia like you told me too. I really wish you could've watched it with me..I love you" Blue said sadly. She kissed Megan's cheek and walked back over to me.

"You guys go in the other room while mommy has her moment ok?" I said to them. They walked into the separate room which contained a TV and toys for them to play with.

I took a deep breath and walked to the side of Megan's bed. I took her hand in mine and squeezed it "Baby K is seven months today..." I said letting a tear that was begging to fall ever since I stepped in this room.

"Meg I don't know if you can hear but just fight baby." I said giving her hand a peck.

"Fight for us baby...I love you so much and I can't do this without you so please...just fight" I finished off. I said a silent prayer and kissed Megan's forehead finally letting go of her hand.

Come back to me...

3 Months Later....

Megan's headspace.

I feel free.

I feel accepted.

I'm with my family.

My mom.

My dad.

My grandma.

I don't ever wanna leave.

"I missed you so much mommy.." I said as I hugged my mom's angelic form. I feel so safe here and I never wanna leave. "Hey my beautiful baby...mommy misses you so much." My mothers soft voice said to me. I could feel her.

I've been needing her for so long and I'm finally with her.

"How have you been? I've been watching over you and your energy is all messed up baby what's been going on?" Just thinking of everything I've gon through on earth I'm not coming back for shit.

"Everything mama...I'm an outsider to everyone and I'm just a toy to everybody." I said sadly.

"Megan honey that's not true...Who's Beyonce?" She said and my heart warmed just from hearing her beautiful name. I love her so fucking much and I wish I could see her face one more time.

"You can see her baby you just have to fight...I'm not gonna allow you to stay here and not be there for baby Kiara, Kali, and Blue" Kiara?

"K-Kiara? Is that what she named her?" I said in shock. Did she have the baby already or something? I missed it?

"She gave birth to her March 20th at 4:44 sweetie..." Angel numbers?? My little angel.

"I-I-I mama I missed it?! I promised her I would be there f-for her and I wasn't!" What? My baby was probably so alone...

"It's alright baby I was there watching over her baby she's ok.." my mother said and I let out a long breath.

"How is she now?"

"She's pushing though...I can feel her energy and tell she's really stressed but she's not letting you go baby." She didn't pull the plug?

"S-she didn't pull the plug?" I questioned confused.

"Of course not Megan that girl loves you and she's waiting on you to come back to her. Don't leave her alone and fight for her. Don't leave her." Right after she finished that sentence her body began to fade away.

"Wait mama no! Don't leave please!" I begged.

"Don't leave her Megan." My mother said lastly.

Then she was gone.

I sat there feeling stuck and not knowing what to do.

I felt lost.

What do I do?


I can't wait till my baby wakes up🥹🥹. What do yall think of this chapter? Megan's mom? Blue and Kali visiting Megan? Bey having the baby? Angel numbers? Let me know!



Mama Holly?



Let me know!

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Love yall❤️❤️


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