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That Same Day...


Normani Pov

I looked at Megan as she was unconscious on this bed. She has been completely drugged up and I know there's no possible chance of her getting back to the bitch Beyoncé.

Thankfully Kelly is going to take care of that now. Once she kills that baby and her Megan is all mine like she was before.

Bey pov

I heard the doorbell ring and I quickly told Pardi to go hide somewhere. Megan gave me his number in case of emergencies and although I thought it was weird for me to have his number I thank god she gave me it.

He got over here so quick after I told him my suspicions of what could be happening.

He hid in the closet right next to the front door while I prepared myself to open it.

I don't know why my best friend would be doing this but I'm gonna find out.

I opened the door and smiled. "Hey Kels" I said and what was weird is how her eyes immediately shot down to my stomach.

I continued to act normal but I definitely saw that. She quickly smiled and opened her arms for a hug.

I gave a her a quick hug and invited her inside.

Something's really off.

"Umm you want me to get you something to drink?" I asked trying to keep up my act.

"Mhm I appreciate it.." I went off to the kitchen and grabbed us both a cup of water since I can't drink.

I walked back out to the living room and Kelly was sitting on the couch. "Here you go" I said nicely. She smiled at me a took the cup from my hand.

I sat down next to her and realized I forgot to grab me quick snack bar so I don't become nauseated.

"Hold on I'll be right back.." I sat my cup back down on the table and quickly got up to go to the pantry.

I grabbed a little snack bar out the pantry and headed back to the living room. "Sorry I had to grab something" I said and hurried to sit back down.

I leaned forward to grab my water but I noticed something. My water was fizzing up and I Megan always taught me to pay attention for stuff like this.

We were going out for a party and Megan just started talking to me about how to know if your drink was spiked.

She spiked my drink..

I cleared my throat and sat back on the couch. She's done something to Megan...

"Mommy! Where's Miss Megan!" Blue said skipping into the living room. Once I saw Blue she froze in her spot like a deer in headlights once she saw Kelly.

Her body started shaking and I furrowed my eye brows. "Blue baby what's wrong??" I asked.

"Bue! Bueeeee!" I head Kali yell as her little feet slapped against the floor running inside the living room. The same thing happened again.

Kali froze and immediately started crying.

I slowly looked over at Kelly with a confused look.

"Mommy she hurt me!! She was with daddy!!!" I widened my eyes and that's when Kelly literally jumped on me starting to attack me.

"I'm gonna kill you bitch!!" She screamed. I braced my stomach from any possible blows. She can hit me all she wants but she won't hurt my unborn child.

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