Help please

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Hi there
So obvious due to my recent accident (check the prior note) I've been unable to work for a prolonged period of time here. I want to return as I'm trying to get my writing out there more however I've hit a slight snag....
I forgot my plan
Yep. I'm an idiot. I know roughly what I wanted to do but instead of rambling on I thought 'I'll see what they want me to write' so yes, the book is going to rely of you to get it off the ground again. I know the ending, but that's easy. So please comment or dm me what you'd like me to focus on first and I will try my best between exams to get this all finished up.
And once again fear not, I will never discontinue this book. I refuse after running this for so long and with all the love book one receives.
For anyone who might in the slightest bit be interested to see what's been occupying my time the past months, my insta is @mariellajcoleman that's where I've been/will be posting my latest industry work.
Thanks for following.
May the force be with you.

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