Chapter seven

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"OBI WAN!!!"
Luke yelled but Kira was the one that ran. She didn't hesitated, grabbing the lightsaber from Luke's hip and running right past Ahsoka. Luke screamed her name too but she didn't hear it.
Shoulders square Kira, that's it. Hold the weapon steady.
It was just like piking ice fish, hold the hilt with both hands and.
"Get away from him!" She yelled as sparks of white crackled off the blue blade over her head. Kira was a tall young woman, not quite as tall as the sith with her metal legs but tall enough it wasn't much of a reach to block her. She saw the woman yellow eyes cold as frozen honey, felt her rage burn through the force between them. But Kira did not yield a single step. With her jaw clenched she held firm.
Knocked back, Obi wan couldn't believe what he was seeing. The dark haired greenish blue eyes girl he had watch grow was holding her own against Izar. He was immensely proud but also...terrified. The sith appeared to her faltered - yielded a step even. That however, was not necessarily a good thing. Despite the pain in his arm, the agony of the burns and no doubt breaks, he forced himself to push up from the ground.
Darth Izar stood there, saber raised to her said. Yet she did not strike. Kira's eyes, she knew them, had seen them haunt her nightmares. Steely blue with notes of soft green. Once, she had eyes similar to those. Not anymore, now her eyes were supposed to be the stuff of nightmares.
Still, she stared too long. By the time she was focused, obi wan had raised him hand enough to push her back. She flew into the far wall, felt her bones crunch then crumple. As the blast door slid down, she watched the girl who'd stilled her so.
Her fury blazes, the red of her lightsaber a blue that struck through the door pointed right at Kira in a death promise.
The woman's hands trembled around the lightsaber hilt. Flashbacks from the garage ran through her mind. The blood of the stormtrooper, her hands all a mess. She stumbled back, dropping the weapon. It clattered to the floor, hitting her feet as it rolled. Hands wrapped around from behind her. Luke's hands. Ahsoka was already on the floor next to Obi wan, helping him up from the ground.
"We need to go, Luke, we need to go now." Ahsoka called across as she hurried Obi Wan's arm over her shoulder.
"Okay, Kira come on, let's go come on." Luke said over the blaster fire but without shouting at the young woman. Kira nodded, staring at the blade withdrew from the draw and began to cut through. Stumbling, Ahsoka grabbed the lightsaber from her feet as Luke turned her around. Luke took her hand and ran her towards a ship she hadn't seen before. It wasn't like she'd seen the Falcon before, she'd come here on the Castle.
"Obi wan, is Obi wan okay??" Kira asked as Luke helped her up the ramp. Stumbling and ducking fire the whole way, Ahsoka slammed her hand on the panel to close the doors once they were up the ramp. Luke looked back to Obi wan.
By the bruising around his collar bone and the blood dripping from his hair line, the answer was obvious. No, no Obi wan was not alright. He was alive, not alright. But thanks to her, he stood a chance of being alright again. They could treat his injuries and help him recover from this close call.
"He's okay." But Luke didn't want to worry her with that. Instead, as Han and Chewie started the take off process and Ahsoka checked through a com on her wrist that the other were okay, Luke breathed a sigh of relief. While others continued to rush he took Kira's shaking hands in his.
"Kira I..." He couldn't find the right words, instead leaning in and embracing the young woman. Her shaking slowly stopped. As they took off from that terrible place, Kira wrapped her arms back around him and smiled just slightly.
"...I'm sorry I ran off, I-
"Ssh, it's not me you need to apologise too anyway...the important thing is that you're safe, we're going to make it out." Luke shushed her and mumbled over her shoulder. Maybe a little awkwardly, Kira set her hand on his shoulder and patted it lightly. The ship began to fly away, Ahsoka taking charge in the cockpit somewhere close. Muffled curses and arguments with Han took place beyond the embrace but didn't matter to the pair.
Today had been a lot, Luke and Kira needed a minute to feel normal. Trouble was, both had this twisting feeling in their gut that normal would never exist again. Luke had learnt more about his father, the secrets Kira had been forbidden from telling him. That his father was not just some pilot, but a Jedi - his mother too. Obi wan had told him during the journey, seeming to know something like this may happen. Her knew Kira had once been raised by them, that there was a reason Obi wan didn't want her anywhere near the empire.
That was part of why he was so relieved to have her back in his arms without a scratch. They were both safe. Everything would be okay...

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