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I woke up again around six am this time. I spend most of the hour staring up at the ceiling zoning in and out as the derealisation sets in. I finally get up and shower before just putting on a simple hoodie and shorts then taking my time walking down the stairs trying to draw out the awkward breakfast. I don't bother going to the kitchen as I'm not hungry and walk straight to the living room.

I flip the tv to a random channel as I zone out not paying attention to whatever cartoon is on. I hug my knees to my chest as I stare at the small spot on the ground as my thoughts go a mile a minute not taking a break to slow down. I come back to reality when I hear three pairs of heavy footsteps running down the stairs and the endless banter between Nievo and Carlo as Luco follows silently behind them. Nievo and Carlo stop their bantering to wave to me before continuing while walking to the kitchen.

Luco doesn't even bother to spare me a glance as he walks past following in their direction. The second I hear Mia's voice I get up and start making my way back to 'my room' keeping my distance before I take a knife to her vocal cords. I overheard the boys talking saying that school goes back tomorrow as today is the last day of summer break. None of them have told me to my face but I was able to piece it together making sure Asher and Justin enrolled in the same school as well.

I shop online for any school supplies I need for this semester, paying on my card before messaging Asher and Justin to come pick me up. I quickly change into shorts and a t- shirt and chuck my sneakers on before sprinting as fast as I can with a leg injury. I hear the horn before I make it down the steps. All the noise attracts the attention of my brothers as they all walk out of the kitchen with Mia following. I quickly opened the door but before I could close it Alessandro caught it keeping it open to let himself and the rest of them out. 

I rush to the car while Justin is hanging outside the window looking like a goof with a big smile on his face while Asher is sitting in the driver's seat looking annoyed with Justin's attics. I let a smile take over my face at their silliness.

"And where do you think you're going?"

Alessandro's voice booms through the driveway as all eyes are on me. I turn around to look at him with a bored look. Now he cares. I turn back around and shove Justin's head back into the car before opening the door and jumping in. I look back at Alessandro who starts to descend the steps after me.

Emilio chases him as I scream Go to Asher when he speeds out of the estate. All of us giggling and laughing as we speed through the streets with the windows down not having a care in the world. And that's what we did all day. We pretended as though we didn't have a care in the world and that our lives were normal. But that was all it was pretending, cause we do have cares and we aren't normal but right now we didnt care if we lived or died cause it wouldn't make a difference. If only we would have known that it would make a difference earlier...

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