Chapter Cinque

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With my hood up we walked out of class trying not to draw any unnecessary attention. I hear them enter the school through the front doors which makes me look back making sure that my hood covers my face, I watch as they walk towards the front office.

After they disappear around the corner we make our way to the car in silence. I sit in the back while Asher is driving and Justin in shotgun. I rest my head on the window watching as the buildings and trees blur together.

The ride is quiet, the only noise coming from the soft music on the radio. We sit in silence as we come up to the house. I quickly get out and race into the house running up the stairs to my room, I head straight for my closet and change into a set of workout clothes.

I practised some drills that I didn't do this morning and loosen up for my fights tonight. After working out I run upstairs to shower and pack my fight bag. I head downstairs and watch pretty little liars waiting for Asher and Justin.

Asher comes down first as per usual leaving us waiting on Justin as always. It's 10:30 now and the fights start at midnight so we have some time to kill.


It's now 11:20 pm and we are still waiting for Justin.

"Justin get your ass down here we have to go!"

"I'm coming, don't get your panties out of a twist mate!"

Asher and I are sitting on the couch still waiting for Justin to come down.

"I'm gonna kill him"

Justin finally comes down stairs looking as blissful as ever down stairs with a smug look on his face knowing he pissed Asher off, but before Asher can get a chance to tackle him I grab his keys and swing them to him and do the same with Justin as they both catch them effortlessly .

I grab my motorbike keys and head straight for the garage with them following behind me. We take different vehicles as it is just easier for us.

I get on my bike putting my helmet on keeping the visor up.

" You gonna stay close?"

"Nah I got some time to kill, meet you guys there."

Asher nods and gets into his car while Justin gives me a salute with a big grin on his face which is contagious making me smile too. He gets in his car and I watch as they pull out of the driveway.

I ride down to the ocean for my remaining time before the fights. I need to clear my head so I sit in the sand and just stare into the sea, watching the waves crash down while they pull back on the sand. The waves pull the sand while pulling my emotions with it making me numb all over again. I take deep breaths letting the wind whip me in the face not caring just making sure I inhale the salty air.

I wait a little longer before standing up and walking back to my bike. I notice a black Mercedes CLE Coupe sitting down the road not far from me. I take a mental note and memorise the number plate before sitting on my bike taking off towards the fight ring.


I walk through the crowd making my way to the back rooms keeping my mask up, people clear out of my path, I don't bother sparing anyone a glance as I make my way to my private room that I share with Justin and Asher. Opening the door I am faced with my 2 best friends both showing emotion void faces which makes me smirk. Asher rolls his eyes at my reaction as it's the same every time.

Justin gives me a hug before he heads out the door letting the club owner know I'm here. He comes back in while Asher is rewrapping my hands and gives me a pep talk as per usual. We walk out and the boys stand on both my sides acting as if they're my bodyguards even though I can kick both of their asses.

I walk up to the ring and wait for the ref to call my name.

" For this Fight we have the undefeated THUNDER!"

He screams into the mic. I watch as my opponent steps under the ropes. He's big and buff, he's got some muscle but it weighs him down. He turns to the crowd, throwing his arms up getting them hyped.

"Up against THUNDER is a crowd favourite and the reigning queen of the underground who has graced us with her presence today is Dragonfly!"

The crowd goes wild at the mention of my fighter names and they quickly quiet down when I step into the ring. No one knows who I am under my mask beside Asher and Justin who have their own mask.

I watch my partner, he favours his right leg meaning he has had an injury to his left and his left shoulder is high while the right sags showing has also injured his right shoulder blade perfectly. I watch as the fights start and we circle each other for 10 seconds before he grows inpatient and throws the first punch which I doge leaving him wide open on his right shoulder and land a straight inch to the shoulder making him stumble back.

I wait for him to regain his composure and watch as his leg bounces showing that he's going to try and kick me not even a second later his right leg is flying my way which I catch with ease and quickly sweep his left knocking him flat on his back. He gets and grows angry as he hasn't landed a single punch on me.

He goes to hook me but I duck and come up with an uppercut to his jaw knocking him out cold as he falls to the floor. The ref counts for 3 and when he doesn't get up he declares me the winner and I watch as THUNDER is dragged off the ring.

I do a quick sweep of the crowd when half of my so-called brothers come into view at the back watching me. I smirk internally and slide under the ropes. Asher and Justin walk me back to the room where they hug me and high five me say how awesome I did.

I just nod and thank them. Justin goes out to collect the money Asher brings me in for a hug resting my face to his chest while his chin rests on my head. I close my eyes and just breathe.

" how are you feeling?"


my answer is short and I know he can tell its a lie and that there is so much more to it but he doesn't ask, not here, we just hug and after a few minutes we pull apart and I grab my bag Justin brings in the money and stuffs it in my bag then takes it off me.

" I'm going to go to the beach for a while, I'll see you at home."

They nod and give me a kiss on the forehead before going out . I follow behind them and get on my motorbike heading back to the beach again.

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