Chapter VENTI

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As we watch Alissa walk out of the gym I stare at the oldest brothers waiting on their call. I wouldn't normally but they did fuck up so it's their choice what we do. They don't know how to handle the truth. After Alissa sent the video to us, there was a snippet at the end of Mum and Mia talking to Carlo who had seen the whole thing. They were threatening him and treated him like trash, Alissa came back into the camera and she took the hits for Carlo.

It showed how selfless she was that after everything that Mum and Mia put her through she helped him and stood up to them even at her young age. Dad and everyone else did not believe the video and thought it was fake, but I knew it was real. They thought she edited the video to make it look like Mum and Mia was the bad guy but anyone with half a brain would know it was real.

Everyone already knew what I thought because when Alissa left after she sent it out to us, I lost it on everyone and snapped. I said some very hurtful but true words to both Mia and Dad and then Alessandro when he tried to defend them and their actions.I was pissed to say the least, I have always hated Mia. She was my sister so I still had to tolerate her but even when she was younger she would never shut up and wanted all the attention. Alissa was the opposite.

She hated the attention and the spotlight. She was my favourite and I was hers. I would always find her in the library reading a book, I taught her how to write and read and after that we would make it a tradition everyday to spend at least an hour reading and writing and I never minded because she was sweet and quiet. After she was sent away I went violent. My dad got me diagnosed with an IED which was just perfect, just that I need something else wrong with me.

Alissa would help me when we would read together because I had dyslexia so as much as I helped her she helped me. Dyslexia paired with an IED isn't the best combination as I would get very angry very easily. I dropped out of school as soon as I could and joined the mafia as one of the top fighters. Numbers weren't my thing so I tried to stay out of that part of the mafia as much as I could.

Alissa grew up so much. I guess that's what happens when you haven't seen each other in years. I look different too. I have tattoos everywhere except my face and with all the time I spend fighting and in the gym to blow off steam I have kinda filled out my muscles to the point I'm almost as big as Alessandro.

I get annoyed very quickly and the most annoying thing that pisses me off is Mia's fucking fake as voice when she wants something. We all see it as her way to get something she wants or to get one of us in trouble for something she did but Dad and Alessandro deny it and are so fucking blind they can't se it. It pisses me off to the extreme. I try and limit my contact with Mia just so I can stay out of trouble because if Mia likes to get anyone in trouble it's me.

Dad always takes her side even when what she did was wrong. Bully a girl to the brink of suicide, no that's not her fault the girl shouldn't be so easy to bully or have a shit home life. That's what my Dad said to the principal when he tried to suspend Mia for doing exactly that. The girl was in the hospital for months. No one in the family has been able to have a girlfriend because Mia chases them off or treats them like trash until they can't take it anymore. Nievo has a boyfriend of a year now and only me, Carlo, the twins and Rodrigo have met him. He is actually a pretty cool dude but I don't think anything could withstand Mia. I do think Alissa will be the next to meet him when we set shit right with her.

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