Pain in my Soul

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Sabrina arrived! "This is a nice home" ! Hey Siri Call Daniella King!

Phone Call

Dani, "Hey Brina!"

Sabrina, "Dani I know you didn't send me to the wrong house?"

Dani, "No ma'am it's the right house just park beside Fatima's car!"

Sabrina, "Fatima?"

Dani, "I'll explain when you get in here!"

Sabrina walked up to the door and knocked! Dr. Walton answered!

Gretchen, "You must be here for Dani"!

Sabrina, "Yes!"

Gretchen, "You can follow me!"

Dani's room was up the stairs but because she couldn't make it up there she was in a room on the first floor! Gretchen showed Sabrina the room and walked back into the Kitchen!

Sabrina knocked on the door! Dani told her to come in and she entered!

Sabrina, "Dani what's going on?"

Dani, "Sabrina have a seat please!"

Sabrina sat down prepared for what Dani had to say! Dani took a deep breath and started to speak!

Dani, "So you know what you told me about Jonah"!

Sabrina, "Yeah he was creepy as hell"!

Dani, "Well when you dropped me off at home he was there!"

Sabrina, "I didn't see him outside"!

Dani, "That's because he was in the building!"

Sabrina, "What?"

Dani, "Yes girl but what I'm about to tell you I need you to listen and not interrupt!"

Sabrina, "Okay!"

Dani, "Well he entered my home and when I came out the bathroom he was sitting on my bed with a gun" *Sabrina gasped* "I asked him to leave and he refused, he came up and choked me, I kicked him in the nuts and he threw me down and sexually assaulted me" *Sabrina is crying* "He was on me for 25 minutes, when he got up, he spit on me and told me he would be back! I couldn't let that happen so I ran in the kitchen and grabbed a knife stabbing him in the shoulder! "He turned around and shot at me but missed! I got dressed and ran outside to my car! He was still in his! I took my car and drove into his and called 9-1-1! They took detained him and took him to the hospital and checked me out Doc came up because I really forgot I invited him over when we were in target! He came to the hospital and stayed with me! I started bleeding and I didn't know why. Gretchen which happens to be Fatima's mom is my doctor she took care of me! When she came in the room! She told me my Rape kit came back positive and that I was pregnant and had a miscarriage due to the trauma from what Jonah did! *Sabrina is devastated* Doc held my hand and Gretchen called Fatima to represent me! Andi showed up to but I kicked her out of my room! Fatima got all the details from the detectives and his lawyers! Jonah had been following me since I first rejected him! He was Charged with 1st Degree Rape, 1st Degree Stalking from the letters he had about harming me in his apartment, Involuntary Manslaughter of my Unborn Child, Attempted Murder because he shot at me and Possession of an unregistered Firearm arm! Fatima fought for a settlement for me which entailed 4 million and now I am active CEO of his enterprise which me and Preston will be changing the name!

Sabrina, "Preston?"

Dani, "He's the CFO and Co-owner! Him and Jonah were brothers by love and they opened the business together! Since I will be taking over for Jonah he and I will be working together! He also told me Jonah committed suicide this morning!"

Sabrina," Dani don't feel bad he deserved to die! What about the house? Where's your car?"

Dani, "I know it just kinda feels like his blood is on my hands! I met up with Zac and bought this house and I bought a 2021 Kia Stinger K5 Ex"!

Sabrina, "Are you okay?"

Dani, "No *crying* the more I sit here and think the more I realize that I wanted my baby"!

Sabrina consoled Dani, "God has something else in store"!

Dani, "That's the same things Doc said! He really is a wonderful man!"

Sabrina, "Oh I know but you've already found Mr. Right!"

Dani, "Yeah I know! Do you know that Doc said Preston was the one for me when we seen him at Zac's business early!"

Sabrina, "Girl what?"

Dani, "Yes! Apparently Zac and Preston know each other! When we got in the truck to head to the car dealership, Doc said he was the one! I knew he was talking about Preston!"

Sabrina, "Dani I know your soul is hurting right now but I know for a fact there's a blessing on the other side of this storm!"

Dani, "Yeah I know! I just wished it didn't hurt so much!"

Sabrina, "Look at the bright side you're literally down the road for me and you know I'll be over here daily"!

Dani, "Yes girl I know!"

Sabrina climbed up in the bed with Dani and held her while they cried together! While Sabrina was holding her, she said a prayer for her and both of them drifted off to sleep!

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