Big Decision

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Dani and Preston made their way to Walmart first! On the way Dani received a call from Ms. Stacia!

Phone Call

Dani, "Hello Ms. Stacia, How are you?"

Stacia, "Hello Dani, I'm good! I was calling you because I completed your portfolio and I met with a sweet young lady named Mindy! She is pregnant with twins and is due any day! She chose you as the adoptive mother of her twins"!

Dani, "Twins?"

Stacia,"Yea twins! A girl and a boy! I received the information you sent me for Mr. Brooks! I didn't know if you knew but he's already completed everything needed because he's been on our waiting list as well!"

Dani, "No ma'am I didn't know that"! *looking at Preston*

Stacia, "Yes ma'am ! Mindy looked at both of your portfolios together and decided you both would be a great fit!"

Dani, "Well that's good! We can do the home study whenever you're ready!"

Stacia, "We can do it tomorrow morning because this will be an emergency placement being mom's pregnancy is high risk because she has been going months without her treatments so when she have the babies she will immediately start back receiving her treatment!"

Dani, "Is she here in Atlanta?"

Stacia, "No she's in Mississippi but she will be receiving her treatments at Emory so she'll be here to deliver her babies"!

Dani, "Alright this sounds perfect! Thank You Ms. Stacia I'll be in touch!"

Stacia, "You're welcome Dani I'll see you in the morning!"

Dani looked over to Preston!

Dani, "We have an offer to be parents of Twins"!

Preston, "Wow that's amazing actually"!

Dani, "Yes it is! I'm really excited!"

Dani and Preston made their way into Walmart! Dani bought two cribs that she could turn into beds later! She bought a swing, a bouncer, and two car seats! She bought safety locks for her cabinets and a gate! They checked out and got a sales associate to help Preston placed everything into his truck! They decided to go drop everything off at the house before going to target!

They got everything situated in the rooms and then headed to target! Dani bought clothes, blankets, dove oatmeal soap, baby lotion, Diapers, wipes, bottles, and decorations for each room! She was going all out because she really wanted to be a mother and now she was about to get the chance to do just that!

When they got home both Preston and Dani were exhausted! They decided to take a shower but they still needed to situate both nurseries and move Dani's office downstairs! Preston called some of his friends to help him move the stuff in the office and set up the cribs!

Dani, "Babe please let me help!"

Preston kissed Dani's forehead, "You are helping by child proofing everything and putting their stuff away! Everything else we will handle!"

Dani, "Alright!"

Preston and his friends moved all Dani's stuff downstairs first before putting the cribs up! Dani finished safety proofing everything and she placed the gate in the storage room because they didn't need it at the moment! 2 hours passed and the cribs were up! Preston decided to pay his friends for their help and they left! Dani wanted to go up stairs but Preston wouldn't let her because he wasn't done so he told her she needed to wait! Dani was anxious because she wanted everything to be perfect!

Preston spent 3 hours in between both nurseries and he loved the outcome! One of the guys who worked with Zac was also a friend of Preston's so he had him to paint the doors for each baby and paint their names above the cribs! He was eager to show Dani because he knew she would love the outcome! Preston came downstairs to find Dani crying!

Preston, "Aw baby what's wrong?"

Dani, "I'm just so happy! I prayed for this since I lost my baby! God spent the block for me and blessed me with two!"

Preston, "I told you God had bigger plans! Everything is going to be alright! You're going to be a great mother"!

Dani, "I really needed to hear that! Did you finish the nurseries?"

Preston, "I did are you ready to see them?"

Dani, "Of course I am!"

Preston and Dani made their way upstairs! Dani went into both rooms and was definitely pleased! Preston took her vision and turned it into a great space for their babies! She loved the esthetic and in the moment she knew she chose the right man to do this thing we call life with!

Preston and Dani made their way upstairs! Dani went into both rooms and was definitely pleased! Preston took her vision and turned it into a great space for their babies! She loved the esthetic and in the moment she knew she chose the right man to...

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Preston, "Do you love it?"

Dani, "Love is definitely an understatement!"

Dani reached up and kissed Preston passionately! "You continue to make me the happiest woman in the world! I don't know what I did to deserve you but I'm grateful!"

Preston kissed Dani's forehead and they prepared for bed!

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