78: Claude Frollo

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Today's the day I am an experiment. We don't know when this demonology chick is gonna show up and be fucked of I'm gonna have all my little shit out. I need to be mentally prepared for this. I don't know what she's gonna do; will she poke me with needles? Cut me open? I don't know what she is, who she is, and why she decided to do this. From what I know, most people are scared of what I am even though no one knows what it means to BE what I am.

I woke up early, barely sleeping. Anxiously waiting in bed allowed my mind to wonder what this chick would do and what she wanted to do. I know Will said that he would make sure she wouldn't go too far, but he can't really top her. He's said he would protect me multiple times, and yet under his nose, I still got hurt many times. The base ment. Josh, taking me away. I nearly lost him to fucking Sage. I know he will try, and I know he cares, but in the grand scheme of things, how much power does he actually have.

I can tell he's also nervous about what's going to happen. He's been nervous about everything  since I got out of the basement. He has stuck around me for longer periods of time and refuses to play hide and seek anymore, not that I've wanted to anyway. In fact, he's clinging to me right now as if someone was going to take me away. He's afraid it's gonna happen again, that some fucked up thing is gonna happen to me again. It seems to be a running theme in my life.

"You're hearts racing, are you okay?" Josh whispers from beside me, breaking my train of thought and pulling me back to reality.

"I'm fine." I whispered back, lying still not wanting to wake Will up. The way we were set up was Josh to the left of me and will to the right, I was facing Josh, Will was facing my back boig spooning me and Josh facing me his arm around both of us reaching Wills side. It was a cramped way of sleeping, but it was also comforting. I had two pairs of arms, keeping anything from reaching me. Two layers of protection from the outside world.

"Are you sure because you don't seem fine." Josh moved his arms and sat up. Causing Will to stir in his sleep, I held my breath, not wanting him to wake up. He let go of me and turned to his other side, pulling the blanket up to his face.

"I'm really fine." I double down, mostly to convince myself rather than him. Josh got up, ripping off his shirt. That man is a personal heater, I swear. It was a hot-ish summer night, and with his body next to us, we didn't need anything like a heater or an electric blanket.

"I don't believe you, but do you want to go have some breakfast. You've been awake for a while." He states. I gave him a confused look. How did he know? I was about to ask him. "You're making full sentences, and your eyes are actually open, and your voice isn't croaky." I close my mouth and nod. Of corse, he would know I wasn't one for waking up.

"I'm not hungry yet." I say, yet I got up anyway and took his hand intertwining our fingers and follow him down to the kitchen. We were greeted by a cook that wasn't Miss Chen.

"Where's Miss Chen?" I ask defensively she definitely starts work at 6. It was 6:30. Whoever this is shouldn't be working right now.

"Miss Chen is out on leave and won't be back for a while." I gave the new chef a disgusted look. I don't want anything from this fake chef man.

"Fix your face Georgie." I glared up at Josh and roll my eyes.

"I'm not eating from him." I claim crossing my arms. Childish I know, but out of respect for Miss Chen I will not be taking this old man's food.

"You should still respect him, and you can't just not eat for a couple of days." The man looked strict and stupid. He held a resemblance to that priest guy from the hunchback of Notre Dame.

A Trios Love (MxMxM)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें