Chapter Sixteen- Wings

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Centuries, that is how long the Fae have existed without them, the wings that once distinguished us from other Fae. We had evolved right out of them it was said, because they were needed less and less, and got smaller and smaller until they vanished from between our shoulder blades entirely.

I've kissed between Andy's shoulder blades, wrapped up in a tangle of limbs with nothing but our hearts beating between us, and I've wondered what they would be like. We've all seen the paintings, of ancestors, with wings that came in every colour, and completely unique from one Fairy to the next.

We could have seen a hundred paintings, but nothing would ever prepare us for witnessing it for ourselves. Jupiter, our precious child, our Princess, five years old, and currently the only Fae to exist in our realm with ...wings.

It stunned the room into silence. Andromeda
Clasped my hand tightly as we shared a quick glance. An overwhelming feeling of apprehension swirling between us. Not saying a word, we both stood to our feet and moved toward the light to be at our child's side.

Our child was already different, and she already stood out. We didn't know what the reaction would now be, because without even knowing our daughter had her magic, she was now more threatening and powerful than any fairy in this realm, for she had wings. Not even Sorcha with her fallen of collective magical Fae, had that ability in her arsenal.

The light began to retreat, and the Ancient one smiled as she vanished back into the night sky. Jupiter slowly came back down to her two feet, her wings still present, for all to see.

Sparkling white wings that glistened like diamonds, and every time light caught them, a rainbow of colour reflected back.

Ara, Andy's brother, stood, and sensing immediate danger he gestured toward the guard to step up between us and the royals beneath us. My Brothers also standing and closing rank.

Sorcha jumped to her feet "Wha is tha meaning ah this?"

Andy and I took Jupiters hands and walked back a little from where she had been stood, a safer distance from the crowd.

I stepped in front of them both then, and took back control. "A blessing" I reminded her "to have a Fairy born with wings. We should be rejoicing. Perhaps a new generation will be blessed with flight"

Sorcha shook her head and almost laughed with madness "Ye expect us tae fall for that" she accused "she poses ah threat tae us all"

Anwen, unusually, agreed with her "Perhaps the Prophecy wasn't about Rowan after all"

Sorchas next words, were the reason that Jupiter had asked for Andy to be sent back to the Oak. I knew if she had heard them, with magic intact, she would have taken her life without hesitation "Remove em"

My power surged, lights flickered both inside of the Oak, the Great Hall, and all of Olamoore as my anger raged inside of me.

I moved so fast toward Sorcha, that her guard barely had time to close around her. I bared my teeth in fury "Touch her... and that will be the last thing that you do" I snarled.

Mirren came between her Mother and myself. "It is a shock is a'. We a' need time tae digest it"

My eyes were lit, like orbs of sunlight beaming out of me "I suggest you take her home whilst she is still able to digest it"

"Stop" Demelza protested, coming to stand beside me "Let's not ruin Jupiters Blessing. He who shall not be named will be hoping for dissent among the Queens"

"She is richt" Mirren agreed "we ur weaker apairt"

I stepped back, and looked to my people. They were nervous and agitated. This was a celebration, and yet my people looked as if it was the start of the end.

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