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TEN MINUTES LATER I stand in front of a mirror in the clothing place wearing a short black dress. Dress so tight that I can't even walk. But since it was Christina that gave me that I had to try that. Next to me stands Jin-Soo. Unlike me she looks incredible in that same dress.

"So what do you think?" she asks me. I look at myself in the mirror - still not used to doing that.

"Not bad, but not good." I answer her and we start to silently laugh.

Near us we hear Christina trying to put eyeliner on Tris.

“Eyeliner,” she says.

“You aren’t going to be able to make me pretty, you know.” It's funny how she, who always looked pretty can thought so little about herself.

“Who cares about pretty? I’m going for noticeable.”

My eyes focus again on Jin-Soo.  Who is looking through multiple clothes on the table near her.

"Anything good?"

"I should have picked Candor. I look better in white," a girl next us throws dirty look on us, "just saying, don't twist your pants."

We continue with our activity. Beatrice and Christina are already in different aisle looking for jackets.

"Don't look, but there's a hottie. Like if you doubled number Four at least twice."

"Dude, Four is like ten, what are you on?"

Jin-Soo throws me a look 'so Four in number ten?'

And with that I turn around to look at that mystery boy. Whole that might have been good idea in my mind, when I turn around I am meet with dark-like eyes already set on me.

"I think we should probably leave and never come back."

Jin-Soo who's still focused on the clothes turn around to see the embarrassment I am currently in.

"Yeah, looks like we should probably leave and go totally out of city."

And with that we are running away. What a strange coincidence, Christina and Beatrice race down the narrow path to the tattoo place too. When we all get there, Al is sitting in the chair already, and a small, narrow man with more ink than bare skin is drawing a spider on his arm.

Will, Jin-Soo, Christina and me flip through books of pictures. When we all find out we turn to sit. Will and Christina sit next to each other. I notice how opposite they are, Christina dark and lean, Will pale and solid, but alike in their easy smiles.

We wander around the room, looking at the artwork on the walls. These days, the only artists are in Amity. Abnegation sees art as impractical, and its appreciation as time that could be spent serving others, so though I have seen works of art in textbooks, I have never been in a decorated room before. It makes the air feel close and warm, and I could get lost here for hours without noticing. I skim the wall with my fingertips. A picture of a dragon makes me stop.

“It’s a dragon,” a voice behind me says. “Pretty, right?”

"I noticed."  I turn to see the blond haired guy standing there. He looks like all those amity boys I have ever met. His sandy hair and blue eyes. Only think that makes me little nervous is that in his hand is a long knife.

“Well, hello there.” He smiles. “Never thought I would see someone from Abnegation again. Keigo, is it? Or Beatrice?”

“Keigo, actually,” I say. “Do you work here?”

"Unfortunately I do. Was hoping for job like bus driver, but dauntless doesn't have busses, so I'm here."

I look around Jin-Soo , who is already getting tattoo from some Eric-like dude is waving at me. Mouthing at me words like 'dude is hot, get a bay ' or things like that.

"Wait a minute. I knew I recognize that name. You were the first jumper, weren’t you? With that pretty Amity girl.”

“Yes, I was. And that girl is Jin-Soo.”

“Well tell her she looks magnificent."

“Thanks I guess.” I touch the sketch of the dragon. “Listen—I'm currently only without tattoo and I really want one, so could we continue this conversation while I'll be getting a tattoo?" And point at red haired girl who has free sit near her.

“I am not sure that would be wise,” he says quietly. “I helped to teach her. She couldn't draw a straight line even if her life was on the line.”

I purse my lips. Seems reasonable; Rather get a tattoo from a guy who fancies my sister - friend Jin-Soo,  than from a girl who would probably do a better job at pumpkin carving.

“Want that tattoo?” he says.

He point at the dragon tattoo I was just looking at. Although part of me was more of piercing than tattoo, I weighed the pros and cons and came with the result, that I only live once, which means that tattoo was going to be on me by the end of this day. It's not like that if I do, it will place another wedge between me and my family, because at this point i don't really care.

“Yes,” I say. “Ill take this dragon. But try to make him little longer.”

I touch my left arm. This thing will probably be on the whole left arm, and I can already imagine the reaction I'll get from Jin-Soo.

"And make two little stars near."

One for Caleb, the brother who raised me to be the person I am.

And one for Jin-Soo, the sister I never had, that made me realise who I really am.

I sincerely apologise for how long it takes me to update the story. I hope to be better but no promises. ♡

Cold Hearts | Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now