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Seth: "well that not goo—" Seth as cut off as Mubong grabbed his shirt and threw him him up into the air and ryong came in elbowed him into the ground making a crater

Art then came in and using his aether blade sliced a small chunk of ryong skin.

Art: ["what the hell his skin is tuff that not even aether left that much damage to him."] Art thought to him before ryong slapped him away.

Seth: "mandala!" Seth screamed as mandala flew to Seth hand as he pointed straight to ryong, "pierce!" Seth said as a beam came out easily damaged ryong in his chest before Seth followed up with a straight punch to ryong jaw sending him flying into the other pillar of fates.

Mubong: ["he's getting stronger? His power just won't stop growing. Before he gets to strong I will end his life here."] Mubong thought as he grabbed the third symbol and charged at Seth.

Mubong grabbed Seth arm and in seconds black spikes ripped out of Seth body and blocked his movements.

Seth: "tch!"

Art then tried to flank as he used his god step to teleport to mubong but was then tackled by ryong.

Mubong then stabbed his weapon into Seth chest and using the same move Seth did early on him grabbed him and made small tathagata's that latched to Seth body blowing him up.

Mubong: "I see...I thought that maybe your power was similar to mine but no you just copied my skills. But how were you able to copy something I didn't even do yet?" Mubong asked

Seth: "because you thought about and that's all I needed to copy it." Seth lied keeping that information from his past timeline close to his chest as his ace and secret weapon.

Mubong: "how interesting but I let's see if you hold on." Mubong said as he charged up his holy spear.

Seth: ["oh no!"] Seth thought while still regenerating

And in a span of a second Mubong was behind Seth but with a missing arm and a giant hold in his gut. But with Seth he had a giant hole in his chest

 But with Seth he had a giant hole in his chest

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Mubong: "you sure are incredible. In that split second you tried to counter my skill with the same one but you knew you couldn't make it on time so just hit me with my own skill." Mubong said with Seth heart in his hand.

Seth: "ARTHUR!" Seth screamed

And in flash art came in with purple lighting and grabbed Seth heart and teleported backs with Seth.

Seth: "what's with you why are you so beat up?"

Art: "that red dude was strong I just barely had time to teleport and grab your heart." Art said as he handed Seth his heart.

Seth: "well what are you waiting for let's go." Seth said

Mubong: "no you won't" Mubong said as he lifted his hand shot a wave of energy that cut arts leg

But in instant art and Seth flashed away leaving only purple sparks.

Mubong: "I won't let you get away—" Mubong stopped as a black spear pierced through his chest.

Odin: "what's wrong are you reaching your limit. I knew it would only be a matter of time since you and tathagata didn't perfectly fuse."

Mubong: "even if I am it's still enough to wipe you gods out."

King: "then let's see Mubong." The jade emperor said holding the deer and rabbit heads in his hands

Mubong: "you killed 2 of the fates huh? Good for you."

King: ["well I didn't really want to but thanks to that little god (Seth) hint it really help they couldn't do much since they just woke up."] the king thought to himself

(I forgot to write it I think because I was tired but there was supposed to be a line where Seth told to king to kill the deer and rabbit because they were going to be annoying in the future so yeah my bad for leaving that part out)

Mubong: "well I guess it's time to wipe you and your people off this planet."

(Seth and art)

Art: "damn...that was a long distance..." Art said in as he fell to the ground due to losing a leg.

Seth: "can't you regenerate?"

Art: "I can but that fight with that red dude took a lot out of me so I'm take my time. But what about you?"

Seth: "well this is going to take a few days."

Art: "forget that how are you even alive with that hole in your chest."

Seth: "it's nothing to serious."

Tess/caera: "what happened!!!" Tess and Caera screamed as they ran over to check on us.

Mom then came over and almost fainted once she saw the giant hole in Seth chest.

Seth: "well I'm tired so I'm take a nap but no one must ever use their powers at all from this point onwards."

Tess: "wait what do you mean?"

Seth: "because the maitreya as a sense for power even the tiniest movement of your mana core or anything will set him off."

Art: "alright I will tell the other survivors that are here the news." Art said as his leg fully regenerated.

Tess: "but wait art just used his power to regenerate?!"

Seth: "it's fine right now because mubong is fighting but in a hour don't use it anymore."

Caera: "so what about the people outside wouldn't they need this info." Caera asked

Art then came and put his hand on shoulder, "there is no time." Art said with a sadden expression

Tess: "what do you mean there is no time with your ability we could at least warn some of—"

Art: "Tess...I'm sorry but it best if we keep this group small and even if I tell them they most likely won't believe me and if I bring even more people some won't listen and use it and doom everyone here before Seth as time to recover."

Caera: "he's right Tess it's a bit too risky since some people probably can't even see what happened or what we saw so they mostly wouldn't believe art if he told them to go in hiding and not use their power once.

(Chapter end)

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