Illya Von Einzbern goes berserk in Death Battle

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Name: Illyasviel von Einzbern

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Name: Illyasviel von Einzbern

Origin: Fate/Stay Night

Height: 4'4"

Weight: 75 Ibs

Gender: Female

Age: 18 years old

Series Record: 5-3

Classification: Homunculus, Holy Grail, Magus, Master



Illya's Feats:

-Head of the Einzbern Family

-One of the most powerful Mages in Fuyuki

-Outsmarted Rin on numerous occasions

-Managed to summon Berserker and endure the pain of fueling him

- Killed Shirou, Saber, and Rin on multiple occasions

- Trapped Shirou in a doll in one bad ending

     *Has some brutal bad endings

Berserker Feats:

Fate Route:

-Gravely injured Saber with a single blow, thus defeating her during their first fight and almost killed Shirou Emiya, who only survived thanks to his healing factor

-Killed Shinji Matou, Rider's Master, after she was defeated by Saber

-Killed Archer EMIYA after engaging him in his own Unlimited Blade Works reality marble

-Almost defeated Rin Tohsaka, Shirou Emiya and a weakened Saber, though was killed by Shirou's summoned Excalibur

Unlimited Blade Works Route:

-Fought on par with Saber even while being barraged by Archer's projectiles

-Fought against Gilgamesh for an extended period of time, managing to catch him off-guard, although it ended with his death

Heaven's Feel Route:

-Defeated Saber and delivered a deadly wound to Shirou Emiya

-Fought on par with Saber Alter, although was defeated

-After being Blackened and corrupted by the Holy Grail, fought against and nearly killed Shirou Emiya despite the latter having a power advantage, losing only because he refused to deliver the finishing blow

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