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╔══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╗Warnings: mild cursing, violence

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╔══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╗
Warnings: mild cursing, violence.
╚══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╝

Caleb Chartier

It had been a couple of minutes since Grace had dropped me off at the path and randomly disappeared. I didn't question it. She said something about getting herself a sugar mommy. Honestly, I didn't know but atleast she's doing what she loves.


I groaned. Who was it this time? I could swear I heard my name called a million times in a single month. It was almost tiring.

"Yes?" I said, straining my voice and turning around. My eyes knew familiar ones. Sam. I thought. After what happened at the festival, Sam avoided me like the plague. "Oh hi Sam!" I quickly said, putting on a smile. I was genuinely happy to see him. Sam was a good friend, even if he was a bit overprotective.

"Hey." he said, smiling at me. "What're you doing here alone again?" I was guessing by again he meant that time at the party when he found me drunk. So embarrassing. I thought, internally scolding myself. Sam was also actually unusually casual. I thought he wanted to stay away from me.

"I just want to get my mind off.. things." I said, not specifying whatever 'things' was.

"So you're gonna get drunk again?" Sam said. He let out a huff of laughter. "Last time you were drunk you asked if you could touch my hair."

My face went red.

"I— well I was just drunk! Don't make fun of me." I pouted. Sam chuckled and shrugged.

"I'm not making fun of you.. but do you really think my hair's soft?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and glanced at him for a second. Crossing my arms, I gave a reluctant nod. "Don't laugh at me." I quickly added, embarrassed.

Sam gave me a soft smile and I swear I could feel tears brimming at the end of my eyes because of how beautiful it was.

"I won't. It's nice hearing that anyway." he said.

We stared at each other in a moment of comfortable silence. His eyes were beautiful and I wanted to see how he looked without glasses. Maybe he was one of those people that completely change and become even more hotter with them off.

As soon as I realized that we were staring at each other, I cleared my throat. "S-sorry." I apologized. "I'm gonna get a drink."

"Can I come with you? I don't want you to be drunk and alone. So much could happen if you were like that." Sam asked.

I nodded. "Sure, it's nice to have company."

We walked over to the drink table and I filled up two cups. Sam watched as I chugged both of them down and gave me the tilt of his brow.

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