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╔══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╗Warnings: mild cursing

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Warnings: mild cursing.
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Caleb Chartier

The eyes wear one of a kind. Dark and soulless as ever, but undeniably beautiful.

"That's—" I choked on my words.

That was.. that was fucking Kane. His face was chubbier and he looked young. But it was undeniably him. Those cold green eyes never changed and his dark hair didn't falter. His posture was straight and he wore the DaVinci uniform. Though it was covered in blood the uniform patch was visible. And the smile he wore was wicked. It wasn't out of joy or happiness, it was out of relief.

The Kane I knew wasn't violent. Sure, he looked cold but he wasn't. This— whatever this is— wasn't him.

Then all of a sudden, the dots connected. When Kane gave me his notes in Spanish, his handwriting was identical to Glints. I didn't know how I didn't notice earlier, but it just clicked now. I had probably gotten so used to Glints handwriting that I simply ignored it. It wasn't only that, but the way he texted too. Glint texts in all lowercase and so does Kane. They both use abbreviations. And when I was at the festival with Kane and the party too. He was there at the same time I was. He saw me.

I looked down at the paper again, the one with Kanes picture was out in the open.

Caina Kitchren Villaflor
Classified Documents

Fuck I didn't even know his real name. I knew Kane was a nickname was Caina, but it wasn't common to see or even hear nowadays. I knew his name was European and that was about it. But who was the Kitchren family and how could they have this much power to cover up a homicide?

I looked up at my siblings, unknowing fear evident in my eyes. "Who is the Kitchren family?" I asked, my voice quivering. I was friends with a fucking murderer and stalker.

After my siblings didn't respond, Alex spoke up. "The Kitchren's is a powerful family that father has been avoiding for a very long time. The Kitchren's are at the very top. I'm not surprised they were able to cover up something like this. Compared to them, we're nothing."

I breathed in.

None of this was real. I had only just met Kane but he knew me for years. He was a psychopath who came from a rich family. I couldn't do anything about him without putting my siblings and father in danger. If our father avoids someone, that means that they are out of his reach. I knew my family was powerful, but I didn't think that there was someone higher than us.

I should've known it from the start. He acted different around me and was oddly adamant on getting to know who I was. I thought he was just misunderstood. I thought he was genuine.

And honestly, I think I was starting to like him.

I called him for three fucking hours, went to a festival with him and texted him when I had no one else to text. Every single second he was watching me.

"Are you okay, Caleb?" Jia asked.

"Is that even a question? He's not okay!" Alex said. I didn't even notice that he guided me towards my bed to sit down.

"Caina.." I mumbled, tasting the new name in my mouth. "Have any of you guys seen him before?" I asked.

All my siblings nodded. "We were all in the same honors class with him, but he randomly transferred out one day." Alex said.

I lapsed into silence for a minute.

"..can you all let me be alone?" I quietly asked.

I didn't hear them respond but the door closed and I was left alone. I laid on my bed and stared at my empty ceiling. I wanted to cry. I wanted to let everything out and curse and swear at Kane. Everything about him was fake and disgusting. He was probably just some crazy sociopath. I didn't even want to know why he stalked me or why he gave me "gifts."

I was gonna confront him. I didn't want to see his face right now, so my next guess move was to call him.

I picked up my phone again. Glin—Kane gave this to me. The newest one. I wasn't surprised since his family was apparently so rich my father couldn't get to them.

I pressed on Kanes contact and called him. He picked up immediately.

"Took you forever to get back to me." he said, laughing. I didn't laugh back.

"I hate you." I spat out.

There was silence for a moment. "What?" he said, almost as if he didn't believe I just said that. I wondered if he thought I was joking. We weren't face to face right now and I could only imagine what he looked like.

"I said I fucking hate you."

"Is this some sort of joke?"


"Then why are you saying this all of a sudden?" From Kanes tone, I could tell he thought I was joking.

"You're a disgusting pervert and a fucking stalker. Did you think you could hide from me? How could you do this Kane? You've ruined my fucking life and lied to me."

"Caleb where are you getting this from?" His voice suddenly changed. It was colder and I could hear it through the phone.

I let out a dry laugh void of any emotion or humor. "You know what I'm talking about, Caina." I said his name as if it was a curse.

"Fuck Caleb what did you do? How do you know that name?" Kane hurriedly asked.

I ignored his questions. "You are sick. There's something wrong with you and your family. How could you do that to someone innocent? How you just fucking stalk me without the least bit of remorse?!" I shouted.

"No Caleb—"

"No what? Are you gonna lie to me again? Kidnap me?"

"Please just listen, you don't understand, ok?"

"What don't I understand? I don't care for whatever you're gonna say. You're really lucky, Kane. If it wasn't for your family, I would've had you dead by now."

Kane didn't respond. I could hear him stammering and trying to come up with some excuse.

"Don't talk to me at school, don't even look at me. I hate you."

I didn't wait for him to respond before hanging up.

Fuck my life and fuck Kane.

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Did anyone guess it was Kane? Also, thanks for 400 reads! It's my first Wattpad story and im honestly really happy. I know it's a low number, but I can't believe it! People are actually reading my story 😍! Caleb finally knows who Glint is hehe..

QUESTION: Did you guess who Glint was right?

Words: 1129

Glint | Stalker BxB ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat