Finding Ana

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(Elena's POV)

As me and Connor followed the crowd I glanced at him and tried to give him a smile. "I'm sorry for making you trouble.  You helped me and in return everyone in your clan turned against you." I bowed my head at him in a sorry way.

I head a chuckle and I looked up to see him slightly snorting at me. I immediately rose with slightly pink cheeks and glared at him "seriously?! I was just trying to apologize." He waved it off saying "they do that all the time. Has something to do with trust issues."
I nodded while running that thought through my head.  I never had that deep of an issue, sure, everything time that someone else came near us I was on the defensive, but never did I once turn away someone who needed help. 

It wasn't like me.

I had to help others no because I knew the feeling of being scared and unsure. I faced that everyday. Ana helped me through it but.... it sure did get lonely being the only teenager in a thousand miles. 

When I spied their camp I gasped. It was so organized and lively. Almost as if it come from a fairy tale. Judging these hard times. I would say it did. 

It looked like a middle ages village with plenty of houses, some were tents and others were treehouses high in the trees. Yet, somehow it looked so modern.
Many people stared at me with distrust and several told their children to go inside.

They were hiding from me. Or more likely the danger I could bring.

While I was looking around I didn't notice the gasp or the blur running towards me. I just felt the impact of a tiny body crashing into mine while my arms encircled that person seconds later.


My dear baby sister. She was here and safe and sound. I started to cry as I hugged her and I could feel her doing the same. I looked at her and I gave her a determined smile and look.

"I promised I would come back"

She sniffed and tried to wipe away her tears and stared at me with those wonderful brown eyes that sparkle in the sun.

" I know, you always keep your promises.


Hello guys! Sorry for not writing much the past month. I was kinda lazy and wasn't sure of what to write but here we are. I got a computer for summer school so I'll hopefully will be posting and writing more. 

Please check out my new book those of you who like romance. It may not be the best or contain much romance but please try it out. I'm trying my best.

Have a good day/ night ya'll! - mrm2950

452 words

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