The Sleepover

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Emma's POV:

Once my dad and brother had left, I closed the door and felt Leah's arms around my waist with her head resting on my shoulder, as I hold her hands that are wrapped around me.

"You were right by the way" I hear her say as I turn around to face her with a confused look on my face.

"You were right about not having to be nervous, they were both really welcoming" she says making me smirk.

"Is this Leah Williamson admiting she was wrong, my gosh I never thought I'd see the day" I say with a giggle looking at her.

"Oh shut it" she says to me, while giving me a light slap to the chest, as I pull her in for a kiss.

" you think they liked me ?" She asked with a slightly worried face.

"Of course they liked you Le, who wouldn't" I say trying to reasure her, it's important for who I'm seeing gets along with my family, especially my dad.

"Le, I like that, you should call me that more often" she says with a little smirk.

"Hmm maybe I should, but for now, we should probably head up to bed, we've got to be up early tomorrow" I say as we make our way upstairs to my room.

Leah's POV:

"Nice bedroom Em, wait hang on a minute, YOU HAVE A WALK IN WARDROBE !!!!" I say to her as I was curious as to what was behind the door. I mean I knew she had really good fashion sense, as I've seen her in her Instagram posts, but to see her wardrobe was something else.

"Yeah, gotta keep my cloths somewhere haven't I" she says with a laugh. "I know you didn't bring a spare change of cloths, so take whatever you want"

After looking through Emma's cloths, I decided to go with one of her t-shirts and shorts, soon enough Emma came out of the door on the other side of bed, already changed into her night wear which was shorts and a sports bra that showed off her well toned abs that I constantly keep staring at in the changing rooms.

"Do you want to get changed or are you just gonna stand there and stare at me" Emma says with a cheeky smirk on her face, obviously she caught me cheaking her out.

Uh...yeah...sorry, where's you bathroom ?" I say to her, as it's pretty much all I can get out.

"It's just through there" as she points to the door she just came out of, with a laugh.

"No way you have a walk-in wardrobe, and an ensiute bathroom all in your bedroom, I'm convinced you have a job on the side to football" I say jokingly with a laugh, unable to belive how much this girl earns to afford a house like this.

"Yeah I do have a side job, it's called being a comedian, you know it's a really hard job making everyone laugh you know" she says jokingly, as I walk past her into the bathroom to get changed. When I come back out, Emma is already in bed waiting on me.

"You should wear my cloths more often, it cute" Emma says looking at me as I'm walking around the to other side of the bed. As I got in Emma pulled me over to her side of the bed to close the gap between us so that I'm laying on her chest and she gave me a kiss on the head. I couldn't help but feel safe in her arms, I've never felt that way about anyone before.

I was debating on whether or not it would be a good decision to ask Emma if she wants to spend the break with me and my family. I know it's a big thing meeting the parents, and I don't want Emma to feel like she's being rushed into anything or to think things are going to fast, so I just decide to leave it and maybe ask Beth or Viv what they think I should do.

"I'm glad you got on well with my dad tonight, he seems to really like you, he's got a really good judge of character, and he didnt have one bad thing to say about you" she says smiling at me as I lift my head off her chest.

"I'm glad too, he's quite funny, I can now see where you get your sense of humour from" I say with a slight laugh. "But most of all, I can see what family means to you, and I'm glad we share that same value"

"Yeah, so am I" she said with a smile on her face and leaning her forehead on mine as we stare into each others eyes. Soon enough we both fall asleep with me rwaped in the warmth and safety of Emma's arms.

Emma's POV:

Last night was amazing, seeing Leah getting along with my brother and dad. I'm glad they all get along, especially Leah and my dad, my dad is someone very important to me and it's important to me that they get along, I'm pretty sure that my dad sent Ben and I into the kitchen so he could give Leah the dad talk, but it didn't scare her off so that's a good thing.

Waking up next to Leah felt really nice, it felt like she's just meant to be there, I wouldn't mind if I could wake up next to her everyday. The thing that baffled me  was that I woke up before my alarm, that never usually happens I love my sleep, it normally takes me about 4 alarms to get out of bed.

After a few minutes of being awake, I start to feel Leah wake up next to me, and I know she's just woken up, but she still looks as gorgeous and ever.

"Morning" she says in a groggy morning voice, and dam does it sound sexy.

"Morning, you have a sexy groggy morning voice by the way" I say to her as she burries her head further into the pillow.

"I wouldn't go as far and sexy" she says finally looking back up at me.

"I would" I say as I lean into her for a morning kiss, but she was quick to put her hand over her mouth to stop me from kissing her, I just look at her with confusion written all over my face.

"You can't kiss me now, I have morning breath" she says trying yo be serious, but letting out a small giggle at the same time.

"Well I dont care about your morning breath Le, I just wanted a kiss" I say laughing at her ridiculousness.

"Well I'll make you a deal, if you let me up to go brush my teeth, you can then get all the kisses you want" as soon as she said that I was getting out of bed getting ready for the recovery session we both had today. As soon as I was dressed for the day, I went downstairs to make Leah and I some breakfast, I decided to make blueberry pancakes, but also made a few plain ones for Leah and started to sing along to some music I had playing on the radio

As soon as I was finished platting up the pancakes for Leah and I, I was midway between the chorus of one of the songs I just so happed to know, so I uses the spatchula as a microphone, and when I turned round I see Leah giggling and  filming the whole thing.

I just stand there looking a little bit embarrassed "don't post that" I say while I piont the spatchula at the camera. After she had made fun of my singing she rwaped her arms around my neck and I  placed mine around her waist.

"Can I finally get my kiss now" I say to her with a slight giggle. She didn't even have to say anything she just leant in for a kiss that lasted a while before we both had to break away for us both to get some air.

After we ate our breakfast it was time to go. Leah and I decided to take separate cars, as Leah had to go back to her place first to get a spare change of cloths for the day, and we agreed to just meet each other at the training ground.

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