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Emma's POV:

Needless to say I wasn't looking forward to going to training today, well i'm not looking forward to seeing Leah again after what happened last night, I don't want it to be awkward. After last night I thought I needed to talk to someone about it, and the only person that would understand is my dad, so I decided to give him a call this morning, after a few rings he picked up.

"Hey sweetheart, is everything ok ? you're almost never up this early in the mornings" he says with a laugh.

"Ha ha ha you think you're so funny don't you, and for your information I had to get up early for training, so I had no choice"
I said knowing how much i love my sleep, he just replied with a laugh. "Anyways, I was wondering if I could get your opinion on something"

"Yeah, of course you can, what's up ?" his tone now changing to a concerned one.

I told him all about Leah and I and what happened last night, and about how i've felt the last few weeks.

"'s ok to feel scared Emma, but the fact that you opened up to her as quickly as you did just shows me how much you trust her and feel comfertable around her"

I just sit there in silence, taking in what my dad just said, part of me thinks he's right, but i'm still scared getting hurt if I let someone in again.

"Look, I know you're worried about letting someone in and letting down your walls, but if you never let someone in, you'll never get to know what might happen bwetween you and leah" It's almost like he can read my mind, but he is right, I shouldn't let what happened in the past effect my future.

"I know, thanks dad, I really needed this talk"

"You never need to thank me sweetheart. Plus, Leah sounds like a lovely young lady, I hope I get to meet her one day" I can tell he said that with a big grin on his face.

"alright dad steady on. Well I have to go, I have training soon and i'm babysitting Evie today so she'll be here soon"

"Ok, i'll let you go, have fun at training, and try and talk to Leah yeah. I'll see you at your next game, love you kiddo"

"I'll try, thanks dad love you to, see you on Sunday" And with that he hung up, I really needed that talk, and i'm really happy I get to see him at the game on the weekend against Aston Villa, he always manages to come and watch me play whenever he's free.

Not even five minutes latter, there's a knock on the door, and as I open the door my four year old neice comes flying in through the door with a lot of energy and comes over to me to give me a hug. The perks of being a cool auntie. A few seconds later my sister comes through the door with all of Evie's stuff that she might need.

"Right here's all of her stuff, there should be everything in there, and she's wearing her Arsenal top on and wants her favourite player to sign it" Shophie says in a rush.

"Really, who's your favourite player, because i thought it was me" I ask Evie, pretending to be offended.

"LEAH !!!!" she shouts in exitement.

"Really, i'm guessing that's the players name you have on the back of your shirt, then is it" She nods in in exitement.

My sister left me Evie's car seat and had to leave, as she had to get to work. Once I gathered all mine and Evie's stuff ready for today, and made our way to the training centre. I had already told Jonas last night that I'll be looking after Evie today and he managed to get one of the physio's to look after her while i'm training and in the gym, i'm really greatfull that Arsenal's a family club.

The drive to the club consisted of Evie and I dancing and singing away to the music on the radio. As I parked the car, I noticed Evie looking a little shy, so I got out the car and got our bags out of the boot and then went to get Evie out the car, I crouch down so i'm at her level.

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