Matchday -1

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Emma's POV:

After Leah and I had our talk last night, I felt alot better, like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm glad we're not rushing into anything and we're both on the same page. Today I woke up with a big smile on my face, mainly because I get to see Leah soon when I go to pick her up for training.

After getting ready into my training kit, I was out the door and made my way over to Leah's. Once I pulled up onto her drive, I messaged her to say I was outside, I decided to get out the car and wait for her. Once she had walked out the door, I couldn't help but check her out as she walked towards me.

"Morning beautiful" I say before giving her a quick kiss on the lips, then I go to open the door for her.

"What a gentlewoman, cute" she says to me as she gets into the car. I walk over to the drivers side and started the drive to the training centre. The drive there, I had my playlist playing and turns out Leah and I have the same taste in music.

"Emma your playlist is almost as good as mine, it's just missing one thing"

"Oh yeah, and what might that be ?" I say to her as I take a small glance in her direction then focusing on the road again.

"Country music" she says rather proudly.

"COUNTRY MUSIC !!! way in hell is that going on my playlist" I say to her with a slight laugh.

"What do you mean, there's nothing wrong with Country music"

The rest of the way there mainly consisted of the same argument about weather or not country music is good or not, but in the end we both thought it was a good idea to agree to disagree. Once we had arrived at the training centre I found a spot and parked the car and was ready to head inside, I went to open the door, but was pulled back and pulled into a passionate kiss that went on for a while before we both had to stop for air.

"What was that for ?" I say as I looking at her smiling.

"Because I know from the second we step out of this car, I won't be able to do that until later"

"Maybe if your lucky we might be able to sneak one in later" I say to her as I'm getting out the car.

As Leah and I are walking towards the enterence, we bump into Beth and Viv.

"Morning you two, you guys look rather happy today" Beth said with a smirk on her face, of course Viv told her about the kiss she walked in on yesterday, the little shit.

"Yeah, that's because I'm so happy to see you Beffy" I say to her as I put my arm around her shoulders, making everyone laugh.

We walked into the changing rooms and met up with the rest of the team, today is going to be a short training session, as we have a game tomorrow, then we have a tactics session to make sure we are prepared for Aston Villa.

In today's training we focused on our passes and set pieces. In the first part of training, I felt very confident, I always use to get complemented on my footwork by coaches and commentators. But when we moved on to set pieces, that's when it got a bit interesting, the coaches here at Arsenal wanted me to try two different approaches, one having me in the box and the other having me sat on the outside of the box.

We were put into two different teams I started within the box defending while the other team are attacking on goal, but as we were all waiting for players to get into position, I see Leah walk over and position herself right in front of me bent over with her hands on her knees, with Leah being on the opposite team, she knew exactly what she was doing, but I'm not going to let her distract me.

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