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Emma's POV:

Ever since I woke up I've been one big nerves wreck to say the least, I could not stop pacing around the house, I'm glad that Beth and Viv are picking me up, I don't think that it would be a great idea to drive when I'm like this.

I was soon pulled from my thoughts when I get a message from Beth to let me know she's outside. Normally I'm fime on matchdays, but the fact it's gonna be my Arsenal bedut at the Emirates stadium, they are really throwing me in the deep end there, so I'm allowed to be nervous. I gather all my things and made my way outside to meet Beth and Viv.

"What took you so long, did you get lost ?" Beth said to me as I got in the car.

"I did't take that long Beth, you messaged me five minutes ago" I say to Beth as she's being impatient, witch earns me a laugh from Viv who's driving.

"Anyways....are you nervous for today ?" Beth says knowing full well that I'm already shitting it.

"Well I'm going to be playing for Arsenal for the first time in front of a crowd at the Emirates stadiam, I think nervous is a bit of an understatement don't you think Beth"

"Sorry, that was abit of a silly question. Anyways is your dad gonna be there ?" Beht asks as she peered her head over the front seat.

"Yeah, hes comming along with brother, thier gonna be in one of the family boxes"

The rest of the car journey there wasn't so bad, Viv thankfully put on some music, this calmed my nerves a bit and also shut Beth up from asking any more questions about the game, We soon pulled into the stadium and went through the players enterence and were greeted by fans cheering for us as we walked in.

We finally made our way into the changing rooms, where we were met with pretty mutch all the girls already, but my eyes were searching for a certain blonde in particular, that I found sitting in her cubby getting changed into her warm-up kit already, she finally looked up and met my eyes and gave me a soft smile and a wink. Dam why did she have to give me a wink. But suprisingly it made me feel less neervous.

I got changed into my warm-up kit and went to put on my boots the way I normaly put them on, I always put the left boot on before the right, I don't know why I do it, it's just something that became a habit eversince I started playing grassroot football as a kid. and now it's become a pre mathc ritual for me before every match and training session.

Leah's POV:

As soon as Emma walked into the chnaging rooms, I could instantly tell that she was nervous, I mean who wouldn't be on their debut, but I wanted her to know that I'm here for her in some way or another without being to obvious so I decided to give her a smile and a wink.

We went outside onto the pitch for warm-ups. and there was already some fans in the stands wanting to be early, but my eyes kept on drifting to Emma as she was warming up, she looked like she was trying to block out the fans, keep her head down and get on with the warm-ups. As we went down the tunnel, Emma and I were the last ones off the pitch, so I took this as my opportunity to comfor her and maybe make her less nervous somehow.

"Don't be nervous, you've got this" I say in her ear while my hands are around her waist from behind.

"Maybe if you give me a quick kiss, it might take the nerves away" she says with a small smirk on her face, but I can't say no to that. After she said that, I pulled her into one of the small rooms on the way to the changing rooms. As soon as the door shuts I instantly find her lips with no problem, we quikly kiss eachother like we haven't seen each other in years, when it was probaly just over 24 hours ago we last saw each other.

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