New Way's.

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A sharp sting urged me awake from the sleep I hadn't enjoyed much. My thought's had kept me awake for the majority of the night, though somewhere through the passing hours I had eventually found peace with my inner turmoil and met dreamyland's welcoming arms. 

As I began to stand, I noticed the darkness that surrounded me. It was still night.

 I looked over to my right-side, figuring out the source of the pain I felt. I'd been tossing in my sleep, and accidentally stabbed myself with a tiny stick.

I pulled it from its grip, a tiny stream of blood left in its place. 

Suddenly, I gagged as I noticed a disgusting smell in front of me. 

My eye's widened as I realized what it was.

The skinsuit was decaying. Carrion-eating insects were tearing it apart. It wouldn't last much longer now.

Oh no. Oh no... not now. I was just getting used to my freedom. I would get found out if they discovered the rotting flesh I used as a disguise. I would be slaughtered.

Where would I get another one before morning rose? 

That was a dumb question. I'd get it from the pigs obviously. But how?

I would cross that bridge when I got to it. For now, I would put the suit back on while it still stood, and scout for new potential victims. A month ago, I would never even dream being in this situation. 

I fit my legs into the hooves, first trying to rid of any carrion-eating insects before I began the search. The search for a new suit. 

The pig's had formed a type of "public facility" which was basically just a horribly built bathroom. The beast's had, overall, never completely learned the full extent of the way's humans lived and thrived. It was something they would never completely comprehend. 

I decided to stay in the facility, waiting to kill any night-goers as they decided to do their business in the area where I was prowling. It was just a matter of patience. 

I didn't have to wait long.

A female pig, just a bit shorter than the Butcher Pig had been, entered, her wiry hair along her skin almost black in color with randomized splotches of pink every so often. Neat clothing adorned the putrid beast, jewels and a purse completing the look. I hadn't seen a pig wearing jewelry before. I guess they'd evolved more that I'd first thought. 

The pig stopped inside a stall, locking the door behind her as she came into the area. I slipped out of the skinsuit I had on, leaving it suspended on the toilet that'd been provided. I wouldn't need it soon anyways. 

I grabbed the cleaver, then bunched my muscles and sprang onto of where she was located silently. I watched from above as her ear's perked a little, then settled down as she did her business. It felt as if I was playing God, choosing whether individuals lived or died. Though in this case, I wasn't feeling so merciful.

I leaped upon her; the cleaver gripped tightly in my hand as I slit her vocal cords before she could utter a sound. I made sure to stab her vital organ's a few times, making sure she wouldn't be alive at the end. 

Her eye's dulled, her conscious blank now, the familiar cloudy eye's I'd become so accustomed to seeing now staring back at me in terror. 

I cleaned the blood around with the clothing that'd been on the Butcher Pig and used it to stuff the new victim's wounds to prevent too much leakage. I couldn't leave evidence behind.

Afterwards, I began to drag her corpse back to the area I'd slept in each night hurriedly, the previous skinsuit propped on top. I wouldn't leave that behind either, as it would just be more evidence against me. 

As I reached my final destination, I noticed how much brighter it'd gotten, though it was still relatively dark, and was made aware of how little time I had until morning rose. I had to work quickly.

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