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Madelyn was born in a world, one where morals were thrown from one's conscious mind without afterthought. It wasn't a place worth fighting for any longer. Nothing was worth anything except living, living on this miserable planet until the inevitable death. Animals had become aware of their unjust treatment, years- decades ago before even her own mother's face had felt the breath of wind for the first time.

In turn, the creature's had revolted, behaving towards mankind similarly- if worse- to how humankind had treated them. Meat markets and slaughterhouses for just human's alone; the brutal beast's often cutting off male's reproductive organs to prevent breeding- just as we'd done to them. This would all take place during the animal's fair season- which the animal's had plagiarized as their own. Afterwards, they'd fatten and kill the being's, dispersing the raw limbs of mankind among themselves in a barter type fashion.

Of course, there were differences in the nature of both creature and man, that was for sure. Animals had endured what we'd done, and they weren't brilliant enough- or maybe more likely just ruthless to humankind- to consider killing with sympathy. More often than not, humans died from sickness, disease, starvation, and even torture at these factories in which they were held. The beasts didn't begin to associate themselves with the importance of cleanliness and organism-friendly facilities.

In this chaos, one kind of animal had become dominant over the food chain which humans were now at the bottom of. Pigs. The pigs were absolutely sadistic- barbarous in their revenge, in the sense that I understood. They certainly didn't bat an eye if some child of my kind went through brutal torture and feasting- to get them ready to be sold at a meat market, before an even more gruesome death. It was the way of the world now.

The Civil War, the movement for women's rights- it was all useless now. Humans were objectified, no matter race, gender, or sexual identity. All were equal now, though I wouldn't suppose that was the word for it. Yes- equal in a sense, though still held under the tight chains of slavery- under the control of beasts. I suppose tragedy does unite oneself with others.

I, likewise, was treated as horribly, being a member of the human race. I was currently situated in a compact metal, slightly rusted cage, a clump of rotten-looking mush sitting before me. The metal bars touched my skin, and I hadn't the room to do a 360-degree turn. It was cramped, crowded, and unbearably malodorous.

Around me, numerous other humans were set in the same cages, unclothed and exposed to the elements of the Earth. Illness lurked, and almost everyone surrounding myself had some sort of weakness ranging from the common cold to starvation, and dehydration. Since the day I'd been brought here, I had lost around seventeen percent of the weight I'd usually had- going from 105lbs, to 73lbs and increasing. 

My only water source was a slightly larger than average rabbit water dispenser. It was one of those ones with a substandard plastic bottle that had a tinted reddish metal tube sticking out from it. It got refilled every so many days, and I'd learned so after a few weeks of being here. I'd had to make the most of it. I only drank about three sip's a day, so dehydration was quite frequent, and almost everyone around me had had it at least once in their time here- at least to my knowledge. 

The slop that was positioned at my fingertips was most vehemently repulsing, and I only had a nibble on it every once in a while, to prevent starvation. 

My fingers fastidiously plucked at it with both hunger yet disgust.  I'd have to eat eventually. One of my palm's tentatively grasped a small handful of the gunk, bringing it to my mouth as I swiftly shoved it inside and swallowed. As soon as a second later, I gagged, my dirtied hand resting on my lips as the expected nauseousness came. I took a quick sip from the water dispenser, then gasped as I sputtered and coughed as some part of the mush met my waiting tastebuds. Absolutely revolting, though I hadn't a choice in the matter. 


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