A New Day.

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I was awakened by a bright streak of sunlight from the mocking sun, beckoning myself awake. Oh right. The skinsuit. 

My eye's met that of the pig's flesh, or rather, its outer skin, completely dry now. 

I gripped it, dragging it from its place, and slipping it upon me swiftly. I found myself almost completely blind and decided to remove the eyeballs from their place to give myself room to see. A large gaping wound in the skin was apparent at the back, and I lifted the pig's uniform to cover the strike. Hopefully no one would notice.

As soon as I'd adjusted to the newfound me, I wandered back over to the human area, when suddenly, a shadow in the distance became obvious. 

A child of average stature moved clumsily from the food-raising area, her figure most definitely starved. I felt footsteps behind me, and another pig was at my side, looking straight at the child, then at me. 

I paused, completely afraid, beads of sweat dripping from me. Animals could smell fear... I had to calm down. 

The pig squealed, speaking in a language similar to man, though a bit... different. "Pig go get meat. Meat food, food escape. Me need help getting food, pig go help bring and kill food?" 

No, oh no. Fuck no. 

I was not going to murder a child for fuck's sake. Or was I? It was me or them.

I looked around the area and noticed various animal's roaming around. The top of the food chain now. I couldn't just butcher the pig next to me and get away with it, and if I didn't murder the child then it would raise suspicion. 

My final decision was reasonable. It was. That's what I told myself as the stricken face of a young girl, maybe seven at the very least, stared back at me, her lifeless corpse stained with blood. 

The pig next to me lifted her up and carried her to the warehouse where she'd be frozen and made into food for others. 

I killed one of my own kind.

I killed that girl.

My hands... hooves. 

My mother would be so disappointed at what her creation had turned out to be. 

Survival of the fittest, that was it, and she hadn't been the fittest. 

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