Chapter Twenty-Six - Crown Prince

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I stepped out of the courtroom after they had concluded the specifics of what we already knew, Felix was kidnapped, Felix was harmed, and Beatrice killed people. I walked over to the water fountain, bending over to take a drink. The heat of the courtroom had begun to get to me, the stuffy nature of all those bodies watching Maxwell and the other lawyer was intense. I always held a high respect for lawyers, the ability to craft a war with words, to fight for justice, was intriguing.

I knew that Tawrion's academy had a branch for law, and it made me wonder if being a cop was my only choice. What would I be subjecting myself to if I did follow through with being a cop if it truly was not my calling?

I took a moment to stand in front of the water fountain, the scratched metal surface showing a mutilated reflection of myself, till I saw someone walk up in the reflection behind me. That man again.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when he approached me, he radiated an intimidating aura as he stood, his hands in his pockets. "Can I help you?" I asked him, if any human could smell fear, it would be this one.

A voice that I didn't expect, began to speak, a noble accent. "Yes, Kerran Rivera. You can help me." He said, slowly reaching up for his sunglasses, gently lowering his head to reach for them.

I watched as the man in front of me took off his sunglasses, he entranced me. "You're a keeper's champion, are you not?" He asked his fingers on the nosepiece of his sunglasses.

"I guess you could say that..." I trailed off as I watched him take off his sunglasses. I froze with fear, I knew exactly who this was.

This man in front of me was the heir to the entire solar system, the heir to the king of kings, the conqueror of stars, this man was William Grimoire, eldest son of his majesty Hadrian Grimoire, and her majesty Ayana Grimoire.

He squinted his dark brown eyes as he examined my attire. Till just a moment ago, I was under the impression he was missing, why was he on Tawrion?

"Do you have any way of proper contact Mr. Rivera?" William asked me, keeping the formalities despite the fact I was just a commoner to him. I was scared to step out of line with him, his gaze was cold.

"I have a cellphone?" I heard myself nervously speak.

He held out his hand, he had black fingertips, not the dark blue borderline black fingertips that Felix had from his torture, but deep black fingertips. "Give it." He ordered, holding his sunglasses in his other hand, fiddling with it as he waited for me to scramble and hand over my smartphone.

I watched as he took the phone into his hand, I watched in awe, and fear, as he managed to jailbreak past my phone's password and make his way to the calling app on my phone.

"The Queen mantis has seen you, hasn't she?" William asked, not looking up from my phone as he quickly began to type some things into it. I slowly nodded as I watched him work away on my phone.

"She's visited me before. Well, twice." I said gently. I saw William look at me through the top of his eyelashes and eyebrows, pausing for a moment, not raising his head from my phone. "Twice?" He asked.

"I recently learned she visited me when my mother was murdered. I was under the impression that she killed my mom." I admitted to him, despite how intimidating he was, I caught myself admitting these very personal details to him, making myself an open book.

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