[20] Suppression

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Your first day at U.A had officially come to an end. It had been a lot more eventful than you'd expected, that much was for sure, but you had pushed through, one way or another. Nobody had been expelled, the system was still treating you somewhat decently for the time being, and you were one step closer to becoming a hero.

All in all, it could definitely be worse.

Just like always, you walked home with Izuku, except a few other people were accompanying you for a change. Iida and Uraraka, two of your classmates that Izuku seemed to have caught the attention of. From what you could tell, they were both really nice and easy to get along with, and you were all for expanding your social circle. With all the shit you were constantly worrying about, having more friends certainly couldn't hurt.

"See you, Izuku."

You parted ways with the freckled boy once you got to the neighborhood. Even though you were best friends, he still didn't know exactly where you lived, and you intended to keep it that way for as long as possible. It saved you the trouble of coming up with excuses for why you didn't have any parents. Well, not unless you counted Ketsu and Tama, but that was a whole other headache that you didn't want to deal with right now.

As always, your house was deathly quiet. Apart from the occasional low hum coming from your refrigerator, you may as well have been back in that void the system loved to trap you in. It was hard not to get lonely. Sure, you could talk to the system from time to time, but given the fact that you hated their guts, they didn't exactly make for a great conversational partner.

You yearned for a family. You yearned for a lively home, like the one Katsuki had. There was no such thing as the perfect parents, the perfect household, the perfect anything, really, but still. You weren't striving for something unrealistic or unattainable. You just wanted some sense of normalcy. You wanted to feel like you weren't constantly an outsider, with your missing memories and lack of self-understanding.

Was that really too much to ask for?

Maybe it is. Maybe there's a reason I lost my memories. Maybe, in a way... I deserve this.

The mere thought was enough to chill you to the bone. You didn't want to believe that you were being punished for having done something wrong. For the sake of your sanity, it was probably best not to speculate too much.

You were dead on your feet from having used your powers a bunch today, and you could hardly wait to go to sleep, but you still needed to make yourself something to eat. Letting a yawn slip out of your lips, you started rummaging through the kitchen, picking items out of the fridge and setting aside the pots and pans you wanted to use.

Of course, as was so often the case, you soon found yourself rudely interrupted.


[Bakugou Katsuki feels conflicted about what he's going to do.]

[+10 love points.]

[-10 love points.]

You rolled your eyes. There was always something going on with this asshole. You would never be able to make sense of his tumultuous emotions.

Unfazed, you started chopping vegetables, but that didn't go on for much longer either.

Suddenly, your phone vibrated.

I have a pretty good feeling about who this might be...




We need to talk.

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