[06] School Is Cool

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"How do you know my name?" the man asked.


Quite frankly, you had no clue. The name had just come to you all of a sudden. It just felt right for some reason, which further confirmed your suspicions that you knew these familiar-looking people, even though they clearly didn't know you.

Had their memories been erased somehow? Was your entire existence something that had been wiped clean off the face of the planet? But that just wouldn't make sense. You didn't understand how such a thing could be possible.

Either way, Aizawa looked incredibly suspicious of you, and considering some random stranger had just said his name unprompted, you couldn't blame him.

Shit. I have to play this off. He probably already thinks I'm a total weirdo.

"I-I was right?" you stammered. "My bad. I just kind of felt that you looked like an Aizawa, you know what I mean? It's kind of cool that I guessed it right on the first try... haha."

Goddammit. You really needed to get a better hang on this whole lying thing.

Aizawa clearly wasn't convinced. "Uh-huh," he said, further narrowing his eyes at you. "Well, I guess you really did get lucky. I know for a fact I've never seen you in my life, and I don't give out my personal information that easily. Unless there's something you're not telling me?"

That's what you wanted to know. Everything was just so fucking confusing. It was making your head hurt.

"Sorry," you said sheepishly. "I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable."

Aizawa sighed. "I never said that. Anyways, it's not good to be sitting so close to the road like that. You could get hit by a car." He leaned forward and offered you his hand, which you gratefully accepted-although not before wiping your tears away and sniffling a few times.

Once you were back on your feet, Aizawa spent a few more moments studying you. He looked like he was searching for words of comfort, but wasn't exactly sure what to say, or how. Something told you that despite his weary-looking eyes and overall aloof demeanor, he was a lot more compassionate than he let on.

"Are you going to be okay?" he finally asked. "It's important to be aware of your surroundings. I'm not sure what you're dealing with, but safety comes first. Don't wander too close to the road again. You could get seriously hurt."

It wasn't much. Just a few simple words of encouragement from a well-intentioned stranger. But the fact that you'd been pushed around so much already-by people like Katsuki and also the system itself-made Aizawa's words infinitely more meaningful.

Seeing that someone actually cared about you was like a breath of fresh air.

"Thank you. I really appreciate that," you said, with a grin that stretched out wide.

Aizawa frowned. "Weird kid. I didn't say much. Make sure to stay out of trouble. And whatever's going on... it'll get better soon. Just don't give up."

Right. Don't give up.

You could do that. There was nothing you could gain from wallowing in self-pity and giving in to your anxiety. If you didn't put in the effort, it went without saying that nothing would ever change.

Although you wished you hadn't had a breakdown and cried in the first place, you were grateful to have spoken to someone as kind as Aizawa.

He gave you a curt nod then continued on his way, occasionally sipping at his own coffee. You assumed he must have just come out of the same shop as you. Perhaps there was a silver lining to having accidentally burned your tongue after all.

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