[17] Immeasurably Powerful

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Roughly a week had passed since the day of the practical exam, and you were feeling pretty impatient while awaiting the results. On the plus side, though, ever since that day, you and Kirishima had been texting back and forth, and he was just as easy to get along with as you'd expected.


Who's your favorite hero, by the way?

I just realized I never asked

I'm guessing it's probably All Might


All Might's definitely amazing!

But my favorite hero is actually Crimson Riot

Not sure if you'd heard of him before, he's kind of retro

He's pretty much my inspiration, though

Something about how manly he is, and the fact that he never gives up...

In an interview I saw of his, he said that a manly spirit is basically a life led without regret

It doesn't necessarily mean you have to be overly confident or fearless

And somehow, hearing him say that just really resonated with me

So yeah, Crimson Riot is my favorite hero


I just realized how long this message got lol


There's no reason to apologize!

All Might is super popular, but there are plenty of other incredible heroes out there that are worth looking up to

Crimson Riot, huh?

One sec

I'm looking up a picture of him right now

...oh, cool!

Even just based on appearance alone, he definitely gives off the impression of being manly and reliable!


Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying!

If I'm being honest, he helped me out a lot during a rough patch

I definitely aspire to become a hero like him someday


You can do it :)

There's literally a 0% chance that you won't accepted into U.A

I can just feel it!


Thanks! I really hope so

But yeah, I get that same feeling as well

About both of us being accepted

It'd be awesome if we ended up in the same class too!


[Kirishima Eijirou really enjoys talking to you.]

[+10 love points.]

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