[18] Not That Easy

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After many months of training, sleepless nights spent worrying about the practical exam, you were finally, finally at U.A. This time, for good.

Your high school life was officially about to begin.

Things had been good recently, because you hadn't done anything to incur the system's wrath. You hoped to keep it this way for as long as possible. Hopefully you could uncover more memories soon, and in doing so, also figure out how to rid yourself of the system.

Assuming it was even possible.

For now, you were choosing to remain optimistic. There was no point in giving up, not when there was so much you still didn't even know. At least you were safe for the time being. You'd gotten into U.A, you were making steady progress with most of the love interests you'd met so far, and your powers were coming along, slowly but surely.

"Ugh, we're lost," Izuku groaned. The past few minutes had been spent trying to navigate through U.A's many hallways. The main building was needlessly large, and it would probably take a bit of getting used to. Not that you were about to complain. The fact that you were even here was already more than enough.

"Let's try going that way," you pointed, and sure enough, you eventually found yourselves standing in front of the classroom you'd both been assigned to-1-A.

You were incredibly thankful to have ended up in the same class as Izuku again. There were only two classes for first-year students in the Hero Department, so there was a fifty-fifty chance that you and Izuku could have been split up. Not only that, but Kirishima was going to be in this class as well. Shouto, too.

As far as Katsuki was concerned, you didn't know which class he'd ended up in, since he still hadn't texted you, despite having saved your number a while back. You wondered if he ever would. Then again, considering you'd accidentally pantsed him recently, the odds weren't exactly in your favor.

Oh, well. You would cross that bridge when you came to it.

You flashed Izuku a smile. "Feeling nervous? I am too, to be honest. But I feel like we already got the hardest part over with. The entrance exam was the biggest obstacle standing in our way, and since this is a school for heroes, I'm sure everyone will be nice."

"You're probably right about that," Izuku acknowledged. "I really don't want to be in the same class as Kacchan... but I can't afford to be picky. I'm just thankful to be here. With you."

His freckled cheeks darkened slightly, to a lovely shade of pink. He was right, though. You were finally at U.A, together. That was the most important thing.

You took a deep breath, feeling more excited than nervous, then entered the classroom.

The first thing that greeted you was a painfully familiar voice, speaking rather loudly, although it wasn't all that surprising. By the looks of things, Katsuki was in the same class as you. The lesson had yet to begin, but he was already making a poor impression on people, it seemed. He was currently in the midst of an argument with a bespectacled student who was waving his arms frantically.

"You can't just put your feet on the desk!" he fumed. "Don't you realize that it's incredibly disrespectful towards your fellow classmates?"

Katsuki responded with a sneer. "No, as a matter of fact, I don't. What middle school are you even from, you goddamn extra?"

"I am from Soumei Junior High. My name is Iida Tenya," the student promptly introduced. Unfortunately for him, Katsuki wasn't the type to back down, and no amount of polite introductions would change that.

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