[14] Good Luck Charm

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You were on the verge of passing out.

Why? Why is this happening?

It was bad enough that the system had tormented you that time. Ever since then, you'd struggled to get this guy out of your mind. He kept showing up in your nightmares, as some sort of sick punishment for whenever you went against the system's demands. But you'd been able to take solace in the fact that no matter how frightening it had been, it wasn't real.

Yet here he was, standing right in front of you, and endlessly more intimidating in person.

"I believe I asked you a question," the man glowered. "Most people know to say sorry when they bump into someone else. I guess no one ever taught you any manners."

Just when you thought the situation couldn't get any worse, you heard a familiar ping.

No. No fucking way. Please don't do this to me. I'm begging you, please-


[Chisaki Kai is incredibly irritated by you.]

[-10 love points.]

[Current progress: -10/100]

"I-I'm sorry," you barely managed to gasp out. Small tears had already begun to form in your eyes. You had no way of knowing how much of what the system had put you through was reflective of reality. For all you knew, Chisaki didn't have the ability to make people's limbs suddenly explode.

But the possibility alone was enough to make you stiff from fear.

You could see the way Chisaki's nose scrunched up from behind the black dust mask he was wearing. "Are you about to start crying? What in the world is your problem? All I asked you to do was apologize. Good grief. It's as if everyone has lost their common sense these days."

You clamped a palm over your mouth to keep from choking on your sobs aloud. This was bad. You realized that it was highly unlikely that he would try to hurt you, not in public like this with everyone here to bear witness. But reason alone wasn't enough to calm you down. You were having a traumatic reaction, and there was nothing you could do to stop it.

"S-So sorry," you said again, voice muffled behind your hand. "I'm really sorry, mister. I-I should have been more careful. I didn't mean to..."

Chisaki glanced around, eventually letting out a weary sigh. "Alright. I get it. I'll accept your apology, so stop crying already. People are going to think I did something to you. Just be more careful in the future. Most people don't appreciate being rudely bumped into. There's all sorts of filth in this world, after all."

You drew in a shuddering breath and wiped a sleeve across your damp eyes. It was okay. He wasn't going to hurt you. He didn't exactly seem like the nicest person around, but you were going to be just fine.

It was crucial that you kept trying to convince yourself of that fact.

["Calm down. It's going to be alright. This isn't exactly the most ideal meeting, but you may as well see if you can try to win him over a bit."]

Were they fucking serious right now? How could they expect you to try and get close to this guy, knowing full well that they'd literally scared you into submission by using him to simulate a gruesome death?

Chisaki narrowed his eyes at you. They were awfully beautiful, despite the eeriness they so readily conveyed.

"Did you have something else to say?" he asked impatiently.

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