[11] Confounding Memory

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You were feeling pretty shitty.

Right from the morning, when you came stumbling into class late after sleeping in, you kind of got the sense that it would be one of those days.

"Late again, [Name]." The teacher clicked his tongue and gave you a mildly frustrated look. "Are you trying to set the record for the worst attendance this school has ever seen? Anyways, you get detention. Stay after class and clean the windows."

Your teacher seemed to hate you for some reason. It most likely had to do with the fact that you had a habit of dozing off during class, as well as your frequent late arrivals. But you just couldn't help it. You were tired. Day in and day out, you'd been doing your daily tasks and training to try and get stronger, and it exhausted you like crazy. Add mental stress and the frustration that came with your amnesia, and you were far from being a well-rested person.

Academically speaking, you were pretty average, but the teacher didn't seem to care that you were passing all your tests and getting decent grades. By now, he'd given you detention more times than you could even count. Maybe he was going through a divorce and taking his anger out on you or something? Fuck if you knew.

"Yes, sir," you mumbled, letting out a quiet sigh. "I'm sorry."

It would've been fine if that was all the day had in store for you. But of course, it wasn't.

As it turned out, all of the students were required to fill out a form detailing their career plans for the future, and there was one career in particular that everyone seemed to have their eyes set on.

Namely, becoming a hero.

"Sensei!" Katsuki's arrogant voice cut in. "Don't lump me in with the rest of these extras. They can't even come close to me."

He was bragging about being better than the others, which was nothing out of the ordinary, but then the topic of U.A came up. Pretty much everyone knew that Katsuki was gunning for U.A, and given how powerful his Quirk was, they could understand why he thought he had a shot at getting in.

There was, however, another person who'd always dreamed of attending U.A, and being the dickhead that your teacher was, he decided to single him out.

"Oh, right," he hummed. "Midoriya also wants to go to U.A, doesn't he?"

Just like that, the entire class fell silent. But within a few moments, you would come to prefer the silence, because what followed made your heart sink.

Everyone started laughing at Izuku.

"Haha! Midoriya? Seriously? There's just no way!"

"It doesn't matter how much you study, that alone isn't enough to let you become a hero!"

Their cruel taunts and jeers were practically endless, and you were forced to watch as shame washed over Izuku's expression. You tried speaking up, but your wavering voice got lost amidst the bellowing chatter. And by that point, Katsuki was already inching towards Izuku, sparking off explosions as he did.

He backed Izuku against a wall and glared at him with pure hatred. "What the actual fuck is the matter with you, shitty Deku? Forget being an extra, you don't even have a Quirk, so where do you get off, pretending like you can stand in the same ring as me? What the hell can a weakling like you possibly accomplish?"

"I-It's not like that," Izuku stammered nervously. "I just... can't help it. It's been a dream of mine, ever since I was little..."

That was all he managed to muster up as a response. He had since fallen to the ground, forced to look up at the people ridiculing him. For just a moment, his eyes flickered towards you, and there was no mistaking the pained look he gave you.

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