Chapter 33

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February 19, 1992

Shane Donovan Residence

It's high time

Break and take the freedom

My time

To let down and let myself be

It's high time for me

~ High Time ~ Heart ~

Shane had been deep in sleep on his couch, when a pounding on his front door woke him. He'd been waiting on John's call, but it had never come. A storm was raging outside, and he could hear the rain, mixed with snow, pelting his window. Opening his front door, a gust of wind caught him off guard, and then he felt a wet palm push against his chest, shoving him to the side. Enzo and Roman pushed their way into the foyer, soaked to the bone, while supporting the frail body of Bo Brady. No one said a word as the men shuffled into the living room, placing Bo on the couch. Enzo had obviously broken his cover, which meant Torres would be after him.

Enzo spoke first, almost gasping from the exertion of dragging Bo Brady around for half of the night. "They killed the guard, Shane. I barely made it in time. I had finally learned the location where Raffi was having them kept. I arrived just as shots rang out. Bo was unconscious, and Roman was attempting to drag him out of the old Chicago rail tunnels on his own."

Shane rushed towards the telephone, and dialed quickly. "Marcus! I'm sorry to call so late... I need help, and it's got to stay quiet... I know you helped Steve with Kayla once, and kept quiet– yes, at my house... it's an emergency. Thank you."

Turning to the three men, Shane noted that Roman hadn't said a word. He sat on the arm rest at the end of the couch where they had laid Bo, and he stared at his hands. Shane noticed what looked like blood on his fingernails. "Enzo, run into the closet in the back, near the maid's quarters, and grab as many blankets as you can. You've all got to get out of those wet clothes."

As Enzo ran to get the blankets, Shane started pulling the clothing off of Bo. It was filthy, he smelled, and it was obvious that he had been beaten from head to toe based on the bruises lining his body. Gazing over at Roman, he said softly, "Roman?"

Roman lifted his head slowly, turning to look at Shane, "I'm fine, Shane. I'm fine. Bo's not. Marcus is on the way?"

"He's coming right now," Shane told him. "Enzo said you killed the guard?"

"I didn't have a choice. Torres had sent in the order to kill Bo. He had a plan, I have no idea what the fuck it was, but something went wrong. He no longer needed Bo for leverage," Roman said with obvious fatigue.

Shane was silent for several seconds, before he whispered, "But he needed you?"

Roman pulled his shirt over his head, groaning in pain, and Shane noted that Roman's body was also riddled with bruises as well. Roman rolled his shoulders, trying to release some of the tension, "Do you have word on Marlena?"

"We know that Chief Vaughn had plans to exchange you for Marlena. It was Torres' idea to get you out of the way, to make Marlena vulnerable. Torres would kidnap Marlena, and then exchange her for you. Vaughn wanted Marlena for someone. We're still trying to work out who. That's why Torres was after her," Shane said, still trying to work it out in his head. "Are we certain... are we certain that Stefano DiMera died in Mexico?"

"Shane, we watched him fall into the fire! How could he have survived?" Roman asked, and yet... the DiMera family crest was the phoenix rising from the ashes. Was it possible?

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