Chapter 26

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February 14, 1992

Charles Wright Cabin, Outside Telluride, Colorado

Then your innocent distractions

Hit me so hard

My emotional reaction

Caught me off guard

~ Nothin' At All ~ Heart ~

A soft moan escaped her when John withdrew the needle from her vein. "I cut your dosage in half, Doc. It's time to start weaning you off of the morphine." Opening his palm he handed her two pills, with an exaggerated bow. "Your antibiotic and painkiller."

Marlena giggled, already feeling the effects of the morphine. With glazed eyes, she smiled, "I guess this gunshot is about to start hurting a lot more."

Her laugh sounded like a balm to his soul; bright sunshine wrapping him in warmth. "Not too much," he told her gently, sitting on the edge of the bed beside her. "It's going to be sore for quite a while." Making sure the bed sheet covered her nudity, his finger traced over the new, soft, pink flesh on her shoulder. "The stitches need to stay in place for at least another week though."

Reaching behind him for the gauze and the surgical tape, he was distracted when he felt Marlena's small hand slink up under the hem of his sweater. A shiver ran the length of his spine as her fingers traced over his skin.

"I remember, in West Virginia..." she paused for a second as she tried to hang onto the thread of her thoughts. "What was the name of that place we stayed at?" she asked quietly, stroking his soft skin. He felt so warm, and she sighed softly.

"The Blue Bird Bungalows, Doc." He turned around prepared to cover her wound, and get out of reach of those sinful hands, but her fingers continued their path. She had a small smile on her face, and she seemed to be lost in a memory. Once he faced her she pushed her palm higher up his abdomen, brushing her fingers through his chest hair, causing his muscles to ripple and clench.

Gazing around the bedroom, she stared at the vaulted ceiling. The evening stars shone brightly through the skylight, and she turned her head slowly to watch John's fingers place the tape over her. "How did we get here?"

He knew the morphine was taking effect, and she was disoriented. "We're at the cabin in Colorado."


John smiled at her question. She was adorable, and beautiful. Touching her face softly, he told her gently, "Yes, baby, Colorado."

Her fingers gently touched her gunshot wound on her shoulder, "They shot through the window... I remember. You were going to kiss me... I wanted you to kiss me, and then someone shot through the window."

"That was a long time ago, pretty lady." John reached for the ACE bandage, tucking her arm close to her body. "Hold still," he told her.

"I wanted to shower with you," she whispered seductively, trailing the fingers of her free hand over his forearm. "I wanted to follow you in the bathroom, and watch the water trail down your back... I wanted you to make love to me."

John reached forward, slipping his arm under her back. Lifting her gently, he murmured, "Hold your arm still, baby." Slowly he slid the sheet down to her waist, and started wrapping her up.

Marlena asked him, "You have a tattoo?" She giggled, "Or did I dream that?"

"I have a tattoo," he told her. "On my shoulder. A phoenix."

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