Chapter 21

213 11 3

February 9, 1992

Charles Wright Cabin, Outside Telluride, Colorado

All this aching love inside

One Word ain't enough

Open your heart, I'll open mine

How do you say Love?

~ One Word ~ Heart ~

Marlena woke in the early morning hours the following day. She was groggy. That feeling you have when you wake up after being given a high dose of painkillers. Even without moving, she knew she was badly injured. There was a deep ache in her shoulder, and she felt the throbbing with every beat of her heart. Gingerly she reached her hand up, touching her shoulder, only to find it heavily bandaged, and realize she wasn't wearing a shirt. She had an ACE bandage wrapped tightly around her, stabilizing her shoulder, and protecting what little modesty it could. Turning her head to the side, she saw John asleep. She tried to speak, but found it difficult because she was so thirsty, so she reached her hand over, and found his fingers, squeezing gently.

He felt the gentle pressure on his hand pulling him from a deep sleep. Opening his eyes, he glanced over at Marlena beside him, seeing her hazel orbs staring right back, the most perfect blend of brown, green, and amber. She was beautiful, and she was alive... and he loved her. He was in love with her. He had never stopped. How could he? It had been barely two months since his life had been turned upside down, and a mere eight weeks would never be enough time to get over a love like he'd had with Marlena. Almost as if he could read her mind, he sat up, moving to get out of bed, "I bet you're thirsty. Hold on..."

Marlena watched his muscles bunch and ripple as he climbed from the bed wearing nothing but a snug pair of boxer briefs. When they were married he'd worn boxer shorts. This new style was pleasing to the eyes. Glancing away quickly, she tried to focus on something other than his warm, muscular body next to her all night. It was impossible as she quickly turned back to stare at his retreating form walking towards the bathroom. It was even harder not to stare at the dark hair coating his chest as he walked back.

He saw her staring, and he was familiar with the look of appreciation. Marlena had never been very good at hiding her thoughts. At least not in the bedroom. How many times during their marriage had she slipped up onto her knees, and waited at the edge of the bed for him, only to slide her palm up his abdomen with a low purr? He knew exactly what she was thinking. His cock twitched in his briefs, and he almost groaned.

With a shaky hand, he placed the water glass beside the bed, and reached for the vial of morphine and the syringe next to it. Carefully measuring he drew 15 milligrams into the needle.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Morphine," he replied. She opened her mouth to argue, but he stopped her. "You need it for the pain, Doc. Without it you won't be able to manage."

She closed her mouth, gingerly reaching up to touch her shoulder, which was already starting to throb more deeply. Softly she said, "Okay...but only for a few days."

John tore the paper to an alcohol wipe, while sitting on the edge of the bed. Gently, he swabbed over the skin of her upper arm. Their eyes caught and held, while John asked her softly, "You ready, Doc?"

She nodded her head slowly staring into his deep blue eyes. He'd saved her life. She knew what it must have required of him physically and emotionally to perform surgery on her. She trusted him with this as well.

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