Chapter 23: You aren't alone

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The morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow upon the chamber where Rani lay nestled in Kion's protective embrace.

It was the dawn of a new era, yet the weight of grief still lingered heavy in the air following the solemn burial of King Sahasi and Queen Ananda. Rani, exhausted from the emotional toll of the past day, found solace in the peaceful rhythm of Kion's heartbeat beneath her ear.

Unbeknownst to Kion, the day held a monumental shift awaiting him. As the sun dipped towards the horizon, the palace corridors buzzed with anticipation, whispers of transition hanging like a veil over the kingdom. Little did Kion realize that by sunset, he would ascend the throne, stepping into the daunting role of king.

But for now, in the quiet tranquility of the early morning, all was still. The rise and fall of Rani's breath matched the gentle ebb of dawn, a serene moment of respite before the tumultuous events that lay ahead. As Kion watched over her slumbering form, a mixture of determination stirred within him, for he knew that he needed to avenge the late King and Queen, vengeance was the only thing on Kion's mind.

With Rani still asleep, Kion quietly left their den, his mind heavy with the weight of responsibility. "It needs to happen," he whispered to himself, determination fueling his steps as he headed towards the palace. "He needs to die".

With that Kion embarked on his journey, leaving the safety of the Tree of Life. Kion set out to find Leo, the murdered of many innocent animals, the murdered of Rani's parents. Just the thought of Rani going through more pain managed to break Kion in ways he never thought he could be broken mentally. He was filled with determination, rage and vengeance. He was a lion on a solo mission.

Back in the Tree of Life:

Kiara and Kovu were fully awake, their eyes bright and alert, ready for the day ahead. Kiara and Kovu wandered through the grass, breathing in the fresh morning air, feeling the cool breeze on their fur.

"It's so peaceful," Kovu remarked happily, drawing in a deep breath of the morning air. "Yeah, it is," Kiara agreed with a contented sigh. "But I'm worried about Rani," she added softly. "Losing your parents is tough," Kovu acknowledged, sympathetically.

Kiara leaned in, nuzzling Kovu's head affectionately. "Do you think Kion will be ready to be King?" Kovu inquired, his brow furrowed with concern. Kiara shook her head gently. "No, I don't think so. He's still recovering from his struggles, and adding more pressure won't help," she explained, her expression reflecting her worry.

Kovu nodded, noticing Kiara's unease. "Hey, don't worry. I'll keep an eye on Kion. He's family too," he reassured her, trying to lift her spirits. "Yeah, I know. Thanks, Kovu," Kiara replied gratefully, affectionately licking his muzzle in gratitude. Kovu reciprocated the gesture, their bond strengthened by the shared understanding and support.

With Rani:

As I stirred from slumber, my gaze immediately sought out Kion, only to find his absence. "Where did he go?" I pondered aloud, the question lingering in the stillness of our den. Determined to find him, I ventured out into the waking world, the cool morning air brushing against my fur as I set off in search of my missing mate.

Outside, I crossed paths with Kion's vigilant guard, their watchful eyes scanning the horizon. "Hey, guys," I greeted them warmly, acknowledging their dedication to their duty. "Hello, Your Highness," Ono responded respectfully, his tone carrying the weight of formality. The rest of the guard echoed their greetings, their respect evident in their demeanor.

"Have you guys seen Kion?" I inquired, a flicker of concern in my voice. "No, we haven't," Fuli replied promptly, her voice tinged with a hint of worry. "Oh, okay. Thanks. And if you see him, please let me know," I requested, gratitude lacing my words as I turned to continue my search.

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