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! Curse words included !

I decided that this chapter is gonna be based on the song: Candy by Doja Cat

Lyrics are in this font | The lyrics are a bit different sometimes and some lyrics I skipped.

<in school>

I walked in to the school and I saw Salish waving at me, smiling like always.
I smiled back at her and walked over to her.

Salish: hiii! You look stunning as always
Y/n: thank you but I'm only wearing sweatpants and a hoodie?
Salish: so?

I laughed and we walked to the other girls at the cafeteria table.

Txunamy: good morning girls!
Y/n: Good morninggg!
Delfina: So, what are we doing today? And what's ur first lesson?
Y/n: I think it's English, not sure tho
Txunamy: alright but I thought you had physics first? I asked Ferran and he said you have physics first. I mean y'all are in the same class so...
Y/n: oh right. I hate that subject. Who even needs physics?
Delfina: FR THO


I was sitting at a cafeteria table near the school bakery. My friends were talking about something stupid. But I was focusing on something else.
I was looking at her because she was just so...so...annoying. Yet really... different from other girls. I'm not sure what I'm saying but, I feel like my view of her changed after our argument yesterday, but then someone snapped me out of my thoughts.

Ferran: dude, you keep looking at Y/n. You sure you don't like herrrr?
Nidal: yeah I noticed that too. Bro's got a crushhhhh
Cris jr: shut up. I was just looking at her and thinking to myself how I could kill myself in 1 day if I have to keep her in the group.
Thiago: bro, c'mon just admit it.
Cris jr: there is nothing going on.
Davi: I can name a couple ways this situation might go. You just might forget that this is what you're getting hyped for.
Cris jr: I get hyped for being the popular and handsome guy. Not for being a playboy.
Ferran: I'm not so sure about the last part..
Thiago: It's such a difficult thing... You run over a billion girls.
Cris jr: She's different. She's just like candy, she's so sweet. But you know that it ain't real cherry. Besides, I like Kiana.
Ferran: Bro, Y/n's got everything and so much more than she's got.
Cris jr: This is such a difficult thing. I don't like Y/n. We're basically enemies. I hate her, she hates me. Quit.
Nidal: whatever you say blud.


Salish: Hey y/n are you alright? You keep looking so worried.
Y/n: I'm fine, but thank you for asking.
Delfina: so anyways Y/n, what do you think about Cris? He's so sugar coated.
Y/n: Am i supposed to think something? I mean c'mon, his lies unfold all the time. I don't like guys who lie and especially guys who try to lie but aren't good at it
Txunamy: Cris doesn't lie. I guess you've opened up a new side of him.
Y/n: then I'm glad. Cuz it shows his true colors. I mean what? He's just like candy, he's so sweet but you know that it ain't real cherry.

They all just laughed and we continued to talk.
Suddenly, txunamy and Delfina started giggling. What the hell were they giggling about?

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