Part 2

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Well our teacher is here"
She pointed at their teacher who seemed to be on the phone with Someone.
Rose got up from the bench and so did her friends, they walked over to their teacher who just put her phone down and started to gather all the students into a somewhat circle.
"Alright class listen up, we will go in a grup to the stachen, then we will take a bus for 4 hours"
Right after the teacher were done taking many of rose classmates started to SUka.
<Oh yeah I had forgotten about that>
What Rose meant with that was that she had forgotten that they will be taking a bus for 4 hours
"Oh come on class, please work with me. Now let's get to the train stechen"
The teacher started to walk and she made sure that they had everyone.
"I hope everything goes well"
Rose said
"Me to"
Said Emely
Said Dustin before they all started to laugh
Convesichen end
So while they walked to the stachen Rose started to think about something
<Hmm everything is going fine, my pods are working and Ace is not screening in my ears, wait where is Ace? Oh maybe he is not coming, YES.>
A smile formed on Rose's lips when the thought of her enemy not coming on the trip. And her friend Emely saw the smile form on Rose lisp so she asked her.
"What's up"
Emely said to her.
"Hm, oh have you seen Ace?"
Rose asked her friend Emely. Emely started to look around when Rose asked her.
"Um no, I can't see him.
Then their friend Dustin joined the convexicon
"Hmm me ider, why"
Dustin asked Rose.
"Well that might mean that he is not coming"
She answered her friend in a happy tone in her voice.
Dustin and Emely looked at ochader then Rose and smiled, becus they knoewd that if Ace wasn't on the trip Rose would be happy and that would mean that they would have more fun.
So after they had been walking for sometime they had finally reached the station

At the train stachen
<Wait, this is the stachen were I get of>
When the teacher stopped in front of the stachen the class did too, but the class chatter didn't stop because of that.
"Allright class we will be taking the next train wich will be coming very soon, so don't run away"
The class's teacher said to her students.
When the teacher were done talking Ace had shown up and started to talk to the teacher who looked just a tiny bit stressed
"Hello there"
Ace said.
"There you are, and you do not call me at the last second saying you're late, and especially in that tone you had. I thought you were going to miss the train for a second"
The teacher said a little bit mad to her student. Rose could hear the comochen from were she were standing so she turned too look,
"Alright, sorry sorry won't happen again miss"
Ace said as he turned to talk to someone else, only when he did he locked eyes with Rose. He walked over to her and then her friends wondered what she were looking at so they turnd to look and they saw Ace walking towards them.
"Hello there"
Said ace
"What are you doing here"
Said Rose with a hint of iretechen in her tone
"What, am I not allowed on the class tripe?"
Ace answered which a smug smile on his lips
"Why god why"
Rose said in a somewhat SUC/MUMBEL.
"Enyways, why didn't you think that I would come?"
Ace said
Rose answered shortly after ace.
"Yea seriously"
Ace said in a mocking tone at the end
"Well if everyone is walking from the meeting place but you to the starchn, then yeah I thought you were not coming"
Rose said to Ace
"So you were thinking if I was going or not, how sweet"
Ace said mockingly
"Yeah only be us I hopped you didn't come"
Rose said to Ace started to feel annoyed already
"I here you say that but,,,,"
Ace were cut of by Rose who were really starting to feel annoyed and irritated by her enemy
"Just stay out of my way, I want to have a good time, can't do that with you"
Rose said sounding almost a little angry
"Oh yeah, we'll see abou that, freak"
Ace said with a smug smile on his face

Arthur's note 📝
755 words not including Arthur's note
Tanks for reading love 💕  

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