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While the Sun is still setting,
I can see the footsteps of everyone who
ran away from me.
They are plenty and point in all directions.
They still remain on the tear-stained
ground like fossil footprints:
A mark you could never get rid of.

And as they fade on the horizon, they turn into stars in the sky:
Shinny reminders that I used to be
loved before I turned into some kind of escape room.
New scars in the canvas of my skin to remind me that my life used to be full of peoplw who cared about me and text to ask if I was okay.
Failed letters that were never senté.
Songs that were never dedicated.
Poems that have never touched anybody.
Texts that have never been got.
Drawers filled up with memories and what could have been.
Bitter tears and broken smiles that paint every blue sky.

Astronomy hides my secrets and knkws me entirely.
Because of all those who ran away from me, astronomy is the only one who is always by my side and gives me its shoulder to cry on.
I knew it after years of crying:
Astronomy is the love of my life. The one who will never walk away, even though everybody does.

Or maybe, I have fallen in love with the story of my losses.
Maybe, I have fallen in love with something I know will never leave, even if it wants to.

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