I wake up to shuffling near me and only to find the lady near me is being robbed. She screams for help but I just lie there hiding myself from them. I can't risk my life for someone I don't know, just then I hear soft cries coming from where the lady is being robbed. She has a child!

Without second thought I jump out from my hiding spot and help the woman by hitting one of the guys with a broken glass bottle that was lying on the floor. They both avert their attention to me and start chasing after me. I'm crying for help in the alleyways but no one is brave enough to help me. Who was I kidding, taking on two men when I'm all alone.

Starting to lose hope, I see lights from a car brightening the way for me, I run towards it and hit the windows crying for assistance. But the driver just locks his car and reverses. " No, no, no. Help me! They're going to kill me!", I hit the windows again but the car keeps reversing.

I stand there, losing all hope of being helped. I can hear the men's footsteps running towards me with loud voices. Just as I'm about to cry, bright lights are on me, relieved, I run to the car and ask for help. But what I didn't expect is seeing Jack inside. I freeze on my spot until the two men grab me violently to the shadowy alleyways.

They both corner me, shouting, " You slut!", they punch me to the point of me balling myself on the ground and wincing to their every kick directed to both my stomach and face. My ears are ringing and my head is spinning around. Once they see how frail I am, they rip off my clothes and unbuckle both their pants.

" Shut up!", one says, slapping me. " The less you move, the more you'll enjoy this, now shut the fuck up!", the other one spits at me. " Help!", I kick my legs but it's no use to the two men.

No, not again. I try fighting them but it's no use because one has captured both my hands and the other one is in between my legs. I yell for help but no one is there to help. Having lost all hopes, I just lie there, helplessly.

" Get off of her!", the man stops them in their trances. They both look at the figure in the moonlight. " I said get away!", he screams once more. One of the man stands up and walks to him. "Or what, hero?", he mocks. " Or I'll kill both of you, right now, right here", he says angrily.

The men laugh at his threats. " Let's see about that", he signals the man that's holding me down. Upon standing up, he kicks me so that I'm not able to stand up and that infuriates the mystery man. My hero yells as he throws a punch to the one standing next to him, sending him flying to the walls.

The other man tries his luck too but he ends up being beaten to a pulp on the floor by my hero. The second man pulls my hero but he doesn't budge, " Hey man, leave him alone, it's not worth it. She's just a slut! ", he tries to reason with him but he made matters worse as he flies to his throat and strangles him whilst punching his face, I can hear blood splattering everywhere and soon there's silence from the men on the ground. The only sound that's heard is grunting from my hero.

" P! ", i know that voice, and my nickname. " Jack?", i respond with Jack's name weakly, hoping it's really him. " Oh, P, it's really you!", he kneels on the ground next to me picking my head up. " I'm glad I found you", he whispers with his head on my shoulder, hugging me.

I cough out blood and tears stream out of my eyes, " Am I dying?", i ask weakly at Jack. He pulls me more to his body, crying. " No you're not dying, P, I'm right here. Just think happy thoughts and you'll be alright", he shuffles for his phone but he doesn't find it and let's out profanities. " I'm coming back, just don't die on me", he says worriedly. I grab his shirt, stopping him from going. " Stay with me", i beg.

His eyes soften at my words. " I'm not leaving you, I promise", after that promise he picks me up but I cry in pain and he says sweet nothings to comfort me. " Jack", i call for him whilst looking up at him. He looks down to me and responds. " I'm scared", i confess in a whisper. He runs faster to his car whilst crying and begging me to keep my eyes open and to not die on him.

" I'm sorry, I can't", i close my eyes and see darkness flooding over me. All my senses shutting down, my hearing being the last one to. The last thing I hear is Jack calling for me.

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