⚜️⭐The News and possibly new love interests⭐⚜️

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Aurora was sleeping when her parents came in her room ready to comfort her and wanted to  talk to her about all this madness that happened at her school, they were wondering if she wanted to switch schools or possibly be homeschooled but after two minutes Aurora woke up and got some hot chocolate her mom made her, and they spoke

Aurora didn't want to switch school; sure, she has her two best friends there and one of them doesn't know the meaning of personal space cough, cough Shoto but she is content with it plus she is pretty much used to the people in her class already despite only knowing them for a few days, they make her laugh and be annoyed at the same time.

Aurora's parents knew they couldn't change her mind, so they allowed her to get ready for school, she took her shower and did her morning routine and picked out her clothes, she didn't want to wear the uniform today, so she picked an outfit that was casual.

💫Outfit and hairstyle💫

Aurora went out the house without even having breakfast but that as because she wasn't hungry and she actually took the train this time instead of teleporting there, the reason because of that was because she is trying to listen to the advice both...

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Aurora went out the house without even having breakfast but that as because she wasn't hungry and she actually took the train this time instead of teleporting there, the reason because of that was because she is trying to listen to the advice both her grandmother and parents gave her and that was to take things slow.

Aurora walked up the stairs and went in the school and opened the class 1- A door and everyone went silent when they saw her but immediately got loud.

Kiri: Woah... ("she looks great .... I never noticed before, but she has a really nice body") Kiri looked away blushing.

Katsuki:("Tight jeans? is she trying to be a tease")

Shoto: Aurora, hey you look nice (his eyes trailed over her body)

Tenya hugged her and all of the girls were complementing her on her outfit and hair.

Aurora: Uhm thank you.

Aurora sat on the desk but not on the seat and could tell Izuku wanted to ask something, she snapped her fingers and that got his attention and she turned to his face and looked into his eyes.

Aurora: Ask your question now before I change my mind.

(Izuku smiled) Izuku: Is it fine if I ask about your quirks? How many do you have exactly? Can you fully control all of them, also that quirk you used at USJ, it changed your appearance was it some kind of transformation quirk mixed with a fantasy quirk because you had a dragon and it seemed very sentient?

Aurora: Jeez, yes you can ask. Yes, I can control them all and the quirk's name is called Lilith's Dragon and no.

Izuku: Oh alright, Uhm so how many do you have?

Aurora: let's just say six.

Izuku: Six, that is amazing. I'll stop bothering you now.

Aurora nodded in silence, she's happy he didn't ask that many questions, she took out her headphones and put them on and listened to music. Aizawa opened the door, he had bandages all around his body and Aurora got up and hugged him and he spoke to her.

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