Chapter 60 ~ The Key

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Luna's P.O.V

The Storm Hawks and I were excited to see the Condor be rebuilt while half of the Zodiac members went to gather any recon whereabouts of the Cyclonians.

Terradon Scientist A: The honor of rebuilding the Condor is not only ours, but the honor of countless volunteers from across Atmos who have come to help
Aerrow: Uh, we're honored by your honor, um, your honor


Junko: Aww, I'm gettin' all misty [towel lands on Junko's face]
Stork: Yea, well don't mist on the blueprints!
Junko: [blows nose] I don't remember us having these roundy things on board
Stork: Those "roundy things" are the new safety air-bags. Luna and I've made a few improvements to the old design
Finn: [snatch the pencil] Well, hey, if you want to make an improvement, how about we give the ol' bathtub a comfier shape, huh?
Junko: And we could widen the fridge so I'm not always scraping my elbows
Piper: [take the pencil] Uh, if we widen anything it should be the lab
Finn: [snatch the pencil] Ha! Forget the lab. Let's get practical, we need extra large cup holders!
Radarr: [growls]
Stork: [snatch the pencil] Medium size only! Do you want to unbalance the whole ship?
Aerrow: Guys, if we're modifying anything it's weapon systems [snatch the pencil]
Finn: Extra-large cup holders!
Stork: Medium!
Finn: But I get de-hydrated!
Mags: That's why I always tell you to drink water!
Aerrow: Weapons first!
Finn: Liquid refreshments!
Aerrow: Weapons system! Ha!!

The others watch as the boys argue between weapons and cup holders, while Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, and Libra watch them argue back and forth.

Taurus: Seriously, could they not just make a compromise or what?
Cancer: Thank god, we don't argue like that Brotha
Piper: [sigh] It's going to be a looooong day
Luna: I just hope we have better luck in finding the key before Cyclonis does

Of course it was a long day, while the boys were trying to decide on what they want in the Condor, Piper and I were trying to figure out what the key looks like with Mags's help when we got a call from Scorpio that there was some activity going on.

Aerrow: Hmmm... At least we've agreed on the size of the cup holders
Junko: Extra-medium!
Finn: Fill 'er up!
Aerrow: Now we can decide on some weapon modifications?
Stork: Sure, soon as we remove the gumball machine someone just added
Junko: But it'll be free. No coins!
Piper: Sorry to interrupt your important engineering decisions, but I got word from the Zodiacs of possible Cyclonian activity back in the Forbidden City
Finn: Forbidden City? Been there, done that
Aerrow: Last we left it, it was just pile of ruins
Piper: Still, if it's true, it's not a good sign. Cyclonis could be after something we missed
Mags: Or, someone who could see through the future
Aerrow: Okay, it's probably nothing, but if she's checking out rubble, then we're checking out rubble
Stork: Sure, we could fly there in the Condor! Oh, right, it's not ready yet because some people keep making design changes!
Junko: But really good changes!
Finn: Total genius!
Mags: I highly doubt that
Finn: Well, maybe not the Gumball machine
Aerrow: Piper, Mags, and I will go-
Luna: Wait! I'll come too, if I stay another minute someone is about to get stink bombed by me, and I don't mean to sound diabolical but this one is a nuclear stink bomb that could knock out an entire terra
Aerrow: On second thought, you'll come with us. You guys stay here and finish the ship. You think you can keep the arguing to a minimum?
Stork: I will if they will
Junko: You can count on us, Aerrow
Luna: Finn
Finn: No problem!
Radarr: [squawk] [salutes]
Luna: Good [kiss Finn and Stork cheeks] I better see the Condor or so help me you two will be losing your kissing privileges, my lips will be off limits
Finn: [gasp] No, my lips will go cold without your soft lips
Luna: Good, let's go guys

A Moon in the Sky [Finn X Oc X Stork]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu