Chapter 54 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 3

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Aerrow and his squadron got into position to battle while the nightmare selves got into position as Cyclonis from Aerrow's nightmare and reality were glaring when Cyclonis noticed the Pedadilla Crystal showing Aerrow and his squadron back together. Making her angry in frustration as she and the one inside of Aerrow's nightmare shouted at the same time.

Cyclonis: ATTACK!!!!!!

Nyx being the first to move came at Luna to attack her, while Luna blocked her attack. Aerrow nightmare self attacked him as Aerrow dodged and strikes an attack only for it to block Aerrow attempt. Meanwhile Piper and Mags fought their own nightmare selves as they try extremely hard to take them out. Junko wasnt having any luck as he kept getting hit but tried to block the attacks. Meanwhile Stork was trying to perform some Sky fu, only to make a fool of himself until Luna rushed ahead and tossed Stork a bomb which made him panic as he threw it towards his nightmare self as it caught the bomb while Stork sped off running as it exploded and destroyed his nightmare self.

Stork: I meant to do that

Meanwhile Piper and Mags were picking up the pace to block and attack their nightmare selves when Mags had an idea.

Mags: Piper!! Switcheroo?
Piper: Ngh... Switcheroo!

Piper and Mags had their backs against each other as they did a 180 turn and face each others nightmare selves as Mags was able to make the Nightmare Piper shield herself from the multiple blasts while Piper was able to knock Nightmare Mags weapons, they did another 180 turn when both Nightmare selves didn't had time to compose as Piper stabbed and Mags shot their own nightmare selves. They faded into dust and vanished into thin air, Mags put his twin energy pistols away while Piper fixed her composure, they looked at each other as they smiled and high five each other.

Piper/Mags: YEAH!!! We did it!!
Finn: Watch out!!!

Just then, Finn's nightmare self tried to shoot Mags and Piper when Aerrow destroyed the arrows before it could reach them, the Nightmare Finn was about to aim for Aerrow when Finn took the shot and took down his Nightmare self and grinned.

Finn: Chicka cha!

Junko was fighting his Nightmare self as he dodged it's attacks but caught it's fist and smashed through, causing it to disperse, this made Junko happy while Aerrow and Luna were fighting their own selves. Aerrow battles his Nightmare self as he knocked its weapons out and air kicked him away, he quickly used Lightning Claw and destroyed his Nightmare self. Luna's nightmare self was left for last that Luna was glowing as Stork had told them when Aerrow saw some galaxy color like wings appear as Luna and Nightmare Luna flew up in the air and attacked each other, while Aerrow and his squadron decided to face Cyclonis and Dark Ace.

Aerrow: It's going to be over soon, Cyclonis! I'll be waking up soon!!
Cyclonis: I wouldn't count on it, considering that I'll make sure you'll never wake up from this unless you can find the Pesadilla crystal here, but I took the liberty of stowing it somewhere safe. Hahahaha

Aerrow glared at Cyclonis but then Mags looked at Luna and thought of something, if Cyclonis wanted to hide the crystal it would be hidden inside the last place that Aerrow wouldn't find it.

Nightmare Luna's heart

Mags looked back at Cyclonis and had a smug look on his face, which caught Cyclonis's attention as she glares at Mags.

Cyclonis: And why are you looking all smug about, Mags
Mags: Nothing really, just the thought of knowing where that spooky crystal is
Cyclonis: You. Know nothing
Mags: Oh yes I do, and it's from the one person who you entrusted the Dark Ace to not let escape
Cyclonis: I heard enough! I should've gotten rid of all of you the moment Aerrow woke up from his nightmare

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