Chapter 59 ~ Payback

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Luna's P.O.V

After we dropped off Aries and Gemini, we decided to make a pit stop and get something to eat before we hit the road, while we were walking out, Junko wasn't feeling too good and groaned.

Finn: Well, that's what you get for scarfing down your air-chili in one gulp
Junko: Well, Aerrow said we're in a hurry!!
Aerrow: We are. Once Cyclonis finds out we're trying to beat her to the key, there's no telling what she'll-

Before Aerrow could finish, something blew up causing us to fly back and crash on the ground. We all got up, and stared in horror, especially Stork.

Stork: EEEK!!!!
Luna: THE CONDOR!!!!
Aerrow: Everybody okay?
Finn: [shriek] Okay!! We just lost our ship, our home, my guitar collection, everything!! How could we be any worse!!

[Laser fire]

Luna: [eyes widen] [gasp] CYCLONIANS!!!!!
Finn: SORRY I ASKED!!!!!!
Aerrow: We'll meet at the emergency rendezvous!! Split up!! Run!! Luna, you stick with Mags and-

Before I could nod, I was somehow snatched by a talon as they held onto me by my hoodie and I was up in the air.


I was struggling to get this talon to let me go, as I decided on an idea and used gravity to make the skimmer heavy as it descended down, towards the Wasteland, where the talon had no choice but to escape. This gave me a chance to take the ride and deactivate the gravity on it as I drove it and gain control of it, I was turning it around to head to the emergency rendezvous when suddenly the skimmer got hit and I looked back to see two talons hot on my trail.

Luna: I need to shake them off my trail, hopefully I can escape

I picked up the pace and avoided getting hit, only to not pay attention to where I was heading as I didn't expect they would lure me towards somewhere that I would have a struggle to escape from. I then tried to land on the ground as I drove off in hopes that I could get away, but didn't expect to pull a trigger that would alert Cyclonis.

No One's P.O.V

Back at the palace, Cyclonis was going through the books in order to find out what the key is, when Saturn and the Dark Ace walked in to greet Cyclonis.

Cyclonis: I was alerted that Repton and his Raptors failed in eliminating the Storm Hawks, but now they're separated and all alone. Well, Mags stuck with Aerrow and that's no surprise. But Luna, was snagged by a talon, sure enough she got her hands on a ride and is on her way to Cyclonia with no knowledge of where she's heading
Saturn: I assume you want me to go snatch the girl, clip her wings again, I can make it painful than the last one. I'll have my ride prepared and gather the talons
Cyclonis: Not necessary, I originally had you in charge of getting Luna's wings clipped, but I believe the Dark Ace has waited enough for his opportunity to snatch his fiancé. Now go, fetch the girl, and this time Dark Ace. Don't let her slip away
Dark Ace: [smirk] I'll make sure she doesn't escape my grasp
Saturn: Master Cyclonis, I-I insist. Let me handle this and I'll capture-
Cyclonis: Are you defying my orders, Commander? I need you here to help me uncover the identity of the key, and I'm sure with your help, it will be done quicker
Saturn:... [frown] No, Master Cyclonis. I'll start researching
Cyclonis: You better. Now go, the both of you

Saturn and Dark Ace bowed as they left on their separate ways, but Saturn was anxious as the Dark Ace left to get his skimmer while one of her members of the Talon resistance approached her.

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