Chapter 43 ~ Five Days

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Today mission was going to be a very risky mission, since Stork and Junko were distracting Gundstaff while Piper and I searched for the crystal Piper told me about.

Gundstaff: What do you want?
Stork [disguise]: What we need, good sir, is something that will give us a little bit of light-
Junko [disguise]: Not too bright-
Stork [disguise]: But that makes it so we can see better, um... In the dark

Piper and I were both lowered down as we searched high and low, while Stork and Junko continued to distract him. However they nearly got smashed by Gundstaff that their disguises fell off which made me nervous about their safety until Stork came up with an idea.

Stork: Ummm... Have anything for... ummm, facial hair loss?
Luna: [whispers] Piper, hurry up
Piper: [pick up the crystal] Nil crystal. Gotcha
Luna: [whispers] Did you find it?
Piper: Got it

Piper and I both gave Stork and Junko a thumbs up as we quickly left, along with Stork and Junko. We fled and flew back to the Condor as quickly as we could, knowing Aerrow he would've been worried about us by now.

Junko: I sure hope this crystal thingy of yours works, Piper
Piper: Trust me Junko, one thing most people don't know, under just the right circumstances, this dull little nil crystal can fix anything
Luna: I still think we should've used Vicks vapor rub... [look at the audience] not sponsored

We managed to get back on time, as we walked past Finn who was still scrubbing the floor, and enter the infirmary to find Mags sitting next to Aerrow with a frown on his face.

Junko: Anything, or... Anyone

Sure enough, Mags stepped aside to show an injured Aerrow and all bandaged up in a cast, his whole body leaving his head being the only thing not bandaged up.

Luna: Any luck?
Mags: Well, with five days of the crystal he'll be completely healed
Aerrow: Five whole days?! You sure it can't go any faster, Piper? Mags? I've already counted the ceiling rivets in here about a million times
Mags: Sorry Aerrow, you broke pretty much everything. Which sets a record to the amount of how many times you ended up in the infirmary
Luna: Which one was the best?
Mags: I'm leaning towards this one
Piper: [places the crystal on] Don't worry, by midnight of the fifth day, you'll be as good as new
Luna: Is it too late to add some Vicks vapor rub?
Aerrow: Luna, nothing can be cured with Vicks vapor rub
Luna: Anything can be cured with Vicks vapor rub [look at the audience] not sponsored
Junko: We got all sorts of really fun plans to pass the time, and I am gonna do all the cooking for you!

In all honesty, we all know that Junko's cooking is bad, but if they tried Virgo's cooking, it would be twice as worse.

Stork: You're in luck; my new tome of Mercian Darkness Poetry just arrived
Piper: And don't sweat any sky knight duties, I've got us on a course that'll keep us far away from any trouble till you get better
Mags: So rest up and take it easy [kiss Aerrow's cheeks]
Aerrow: Thanks guys, and I really appreciate you taking care of me Mags
Mags: [blushes] Yeah, no problem
Luna: In the meantime, I'll be conducting a newly updated stink bomb and-
Aerrow: Hold it, you are not allowed to do any adjustments on your stink bomb
Luna: But-
Aerrow: No, "but" and I guess we can use this down time for some maintenance on the Condor
Finn: Already on it, dude!
Aerrow: No offense Finn, but your "maintenance" is what got me here in the first place

Mags and Piper were both glaring at him, and then I remembered what had happened. Apparently while Finn was repairing his skimmer, he forgot to clean the oil spill that was left lying around. Meanwhile Aerrow was carrying a crate until he slipped and slid all the way into a chute and got injured into some gears that were moving landing him in the infirmary.

A Moon in the Sky [Finn X Oc X Stork]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora